What is the apparition and secret of Our lady of La Salette?
The apparitios at La Salette, France in 1846 were very short and a disturbing message of warning. The recipients of two private messages were given to Françoise Mélanie Calvat and Pierre Maximin Giraud.
The messages handed to the two children Françoise Mélanie Calvat (15 years of age) and Pierre Maximin Giraud (11 years of age), known as Mélanie and Maximin in 1846 by Our Lady at La Salette are messages of warning, prophecy, and action. Unfortunately, some have failed to adhere to these messages and often dismissed them all together.

The children, Melanie and Maximin received individual secrets with both varying in length. Maximim’s messages revolves around conversion, the anti-Christ and the role of Enoch and Elijah in battling the anti-Christ. Melanie’s message is long and gives specific on the falling away from the faith. These will be outlined below and I refer to a website where you can read the full text in English.
Where is La Salette?
La Salette is located in the South-Western part of France. The complete name is La Salette-Fallavaux and is approximately 2 hours and a half drive from Lyon, France.
At the time of the apparitions the population of La Salette area was approximately 700 (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Salette-Fallavaux). The population in 2015 is 68.
The land is approximately 22 square meters and part of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
When did the apparition of La Salette occur?
On the 19th of September 1846, whilst tending their cattle on the mountain of La Salette. France. The two children, Mélanie Calvat, 15 years of age at the times; and Maximin Giraud, who was 11 years of age at the time of the apparition.
The two children saw a beautiful lady watching them with crossed arms. The children also witnessed the Lady shed tears and following this, she shared with each separate secrets.
What are the secrets of our Lady of La Salette?
‘The priests, ministers of my Son, the priests, by their bad life, by their irreverence and their impiety in celebrating the holy mysteries, by love of money, love of honor and of pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity.
Yes, the priests are asking for vengeance, and vengeance is suspended over their heads. Woe to the priests and to persons consecrated to God, who by their infidelities and their bad life are crucifying anew my Son

‘God is going to strike in a manner without example.’
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! God is going to exhaust His wrath, and no one will be able to take himself away from so many afflictions combined.’
‘In the year 1864, Lucifer with a great number of demons will be unleashed from hell; they will abolish the faith little by little and even in persons consecrated to God; they will blind them in such a way that barring a particular grace these persons will take on the spirit of these bad angels: several religious houses will lose the faith entirely and will lose many souls.’
‘Bad books will abound on earth, and the spirits of darkness will spread everywhere a universal slackening in all that concerns the service of God; they will have a very great power over nature: there will be churches to serve these spirits.
‘Civil rulers will have all one same design which will be to abolish, and to make disappear all religious principle, in order to make way for materialism, atheism, spiritualism and all kinds of vices.’
‘Nature is asking for vengeance for men, and she shudders with terror in waiting for that which must come upon the earth soiled with crimes.’
‘Our Lady mentions the coming of the Antichrist….
That nature, the sun noon and the earth will change and produce disasters and unusual activity …
‘Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist.’
Enoch and Elias will come to battle the Antichrist.
For your benefit, I have placed in a table format a summary of the messages to each child:
Mélanie Calvat* | Maximin Giraud + |
Priestly bad example – cesspools of impurity. Their sins will cry out to God for vengeance. | Three fourths of France will lose the faith, and the fourth part, which will retain it, will practice it lukewarmly. |
God will strike in a manner without example. | Peace will be given to the world only when men will be converted. |
God will permit the old serpent to place divisions among rulers, in all societies and in all families; physical and moral pains will be suffered; God will abandon men to themselves, and will send chastisements which will follow one after another for more than thirty-five years.’ | And the monster will arrive at the end of the nineteenth century or at the latest at the commencement of the twentieth. |
‘In the year 1864, Lucifer with a great number of demons will be unleashed from hell; they will abolish the faith little by little and even in persons consecrated to God. … | |
Bad books will abound on earth, and the spirits of darkness will spread everywhere a universal slackening in all that concerns the service of God,… | |
‘The holy faith of God being forgotten, each individual will want to be guided by himself and to be superior to his peers….’ | |
Civil rulers will have all one same design which will be to abolish, and to make disappear all religious principle, in order to make way for materialism, atheism, spiritualism and all kinds of vices. | |
The earth will be struck all kinds of plagues. | |
Nature is asking for vengeance for men,…. | |
It will be during this time that the antichrist will be born of a Hebrew religious, of a false Virgin who will have communication with the old serpent, the master of impurity; his father will be Bishop; at birth, he will vomit blasphemies, he will have teeth; in a word, this will be the devil incarnate; he will let out frightening cries, he will perform wonders, he will nourish himself only on impurities. He will have brothers who, although they will not be like him demons incarnate, will be children of evil; at 12 years, they will make themselves noticed by their brilliant victories which they will win; soon, they will each be at the head of armies, assisted by the legions of hell. | In this time the Antichrist will be born of a nun of Hebraic descent, a false Virgin, who will have communication with the ancient serpent, with the master of impurity and putrefaction. His father will be a Bishop. He will perform false miracles and subsist only on vitiating faith. He will have his brethren, who will be children of evil but not incarnate devils like himself. Soon they will be at the head of armies, supported by the legions of hell.’ |
The seasons will be changed, the earth will produce only bad fruits, the stars will lose their regular movements, the moon will reflect only a feeble reddish light; water and fire will give to the globe of the earth convulsive movements and horrible earthquakes which will cause to be engulfed mountains, cities | |
Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist. | The Church passes into darkness. The world will be in a state of consternation, perplexity and confusion. |
The Church will be eclipsed, the world will be in consternation. But behold Enoch and Elie filled with the Spirit of God; they will preach with the strength of God, and men of good Will will believe in God, and many souls will be consoled; they will make great progress by the virtue of the Holy Spirit and will condemn the devilish errors of the antichrist. | On Henoch and Elias: ‘They will suddenly appear on earth full of the spirit of God, when the Church becomes darkened and the world in terrible agony. They will convert those of good will and comfort the oppressed Christians. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they will have great success against the heresies of the Antichrist. But in the end they will be delivered unto death. |
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! there will be bloody wars and famines; pestilences and contagious diseases; there will be rains of a dreadful hail of animals, thunders which will shake cities, earthquakes which will engulf countries; voices will be heard in the air, men will beat their head against the walls, they will call upon death, and on another side death will be their torture; blood will flow on all sides. | |
(Reference: * http://www.catholicplanet.com/future/lasalette-melanie.htm)
(Reference: + http://www.catholicplanet.com/future/lasalette-maximin.htm)
In summary, Our Lady’s messages:
- Prophesised the imprisonment of Pope Pius IX during the upheaval in Italy in the 1850-1860.
- Gave a dire warning to the bad examples of Priests – their irreverence and impiety in the celebration of the holy mysteries, love of money, honor and pleasures – cesspools of impurity.
- Communicated a warning of God’s wrath being unleashed on the world.
- That Lucifer will be unleashed in 1864 – abolishing the faith little by little and even in persons consecrated to God.
- The loss of faith in religious orders.
- That Bad books will abound on earth.
- Civil rulers will have all one same design which will be to abolish, and to make disappear all religious principle, in order to make way for materialism, atheism, spiritualism and all kinds of vices.’
- ‘Nature is asking for vengeance for men, and she shudders with terror in waiting for that which must come upon the earth soiled with crimes.’
- That nature, the sun noon and the earth will change and produce disasters and unusual activity.
- ‘Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist.’
Is the apparition at La Salette approved?
The local Bishop Philibert de Bruillard of the Diocese of Grenoble approved the apparition of La Salette on September 19, 1851
What can each of us learn from these dire warnings at La Salette?
Our Lady at La Salette is reminding the world of 3 very important ways to live during our times. Like in many apparitions of Our Lady we are all called to:
- Prayer and fasting.
- Observe the Sacraments – Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
- Attend Mass at least on Sunday.
- Live a moral life that is pleasing to God and modelling the Holy Family.
Did another mystic authenticate the apparitions and messages of Our Lady of La Salette?
In my research into a series I recorded on my youtube channel about Catholic Prophecy, I came across a mystic from the late 19th century and into the 20th Century. The name of the mystic is Marie-Julie Jahenny.
Marie-Julie Jahenny received several messages from Our Lord and Our Lady with some detail into the Three Days of Darkness (link to youtube video).
One September 5, 1881, Marie-Julie Jahenny, communicated the passing on Melanie Calvat (La Salette), which was fulfilled 23 years later, on the 15th of December, 1904.
In relation to the La Salette messages in 1846, Our Lord says the following and 4 Jan 1884:
“I have done everything for My people. I sent My Mother on earth. Very few believed in Her words. My voice was heard everywhere through the victims I Myself had Very few believed in Her words. My voice was heard everywhere through the victims I Myself had chosen and on whom I worked marvels and prodigies. They were despised and persecuted…”
Further, on September 19, 1901 the Anniversary of the Apparition at La Sallette, Our Lady said the following to Mari-Julie Jahenny:
“Today my eyes still have a trace of the tears that I shed on that day, when I wanted to bring my children the good news if they converted, but sad news if they continued with their iniquities …
They take little notice of what I revealed … Now is the time that these great promises will be accomplished that the Church authorities have despised …
They did not want the light!… I have suffered a great deal for this.
Pain oppresses my heart at this moment … The most painful sword right provisions that have been taken and that are in the making …
It is to see the pastors detaching themselves from the Sacred Bond that directs and governs Holy Church …
My children, when I remember the day I brought my warnings to the holy mountain (La Salette), to the threatened world; when I remember the harsh reception of my words! … not by all, but by many.
And those who should have made them known to the souls, hearts and spirits of children with great confidence, deep penetration; they took no notice!
They despised them and most of them refused their confidence …”
And finally on August 4, 1904:
“How do you expect punishments not to fall on the world … they go so far as to make my words disappear and to cause suffering to the ones I devoted to this Holy Cause … I will reward my good pastors … my servants …”
This mystical vision and revelation made to Marie-Julie Jahenny not only confirm and cross-reference the apparition and messages at La Salette on September 29, 1846 but continues to show the sadness from Heaven to the deliberate discontent and ignorance of the messages.
Those who should take note and pass on these messages to the world, have ignored and discredit the visionaries and their messages.
If the current crises in the Church and the world doesn’t raise one’s curiosity, then nothing will.
Heaven has warned us and many do not take notice!
Our Lady of La Salette, Pray for us!