What are the apparitions of our Lady of Good Success?
For a major part of the past 400 years the Apparitions of Our Lady of Success were largely forgotten. Occurring in the 17th Century, a holy Conceptionist nun was privileged to receive a series of prophecies for the 20th and 21st Centuries.
During the period on 1599 to 1634, Mother Marianna de Jesus Torres received a series of apparitions foretelling of future events both for Quito Ecuador and the entire Catholic Church with the promise of a holy prelate. A miraculous statue of Our Lady can be seen governing and protecting the cloister in the upper choir.
The full title of the 17th Century apparition is Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification for on the 2February 1610, the Blessed Mother requested a statute be built in Her honor and to be known by the title ‘Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification’.
(Note the following article is taken from a brilliant series on Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification, Translated by Dr. Marian T Horvat PhD titled:
The Admirable Life of Mother Marian (Volume I), Fr Manuel Sousa Pereira (1790), translated by Mariana T Horvat PhD (2005 First Edition)
The Admirable Life of Mother Marian (Volume II), Fr Manuel Sousa Pereira (1790), translated by Mariana T Horvat PhD (2006 First Edition)
Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success (Book Two), Mariana Therese Horvat PhD (TIA, 2011 Third Edition))
Who is Mother Marianna de Jesus Torres?
Mother Marianna de Jesus Torres was born in Spain, 1563 with the birth name, Marianna Francisca de Jesus Torres. At the young age of 13 years Marianne left her homeland with her aunt and four other nuns from the Order of the Immaculate Conception known as the Conceptionist order to establish a convent in Quito Ecuador.
During the trip by sea a furious Serpent appeared and was heard to disapprove of the foundation of the Order of the Immaculate Conception Covent and posed a threat to the travelers. The Blessed Mother, at the holy Marianna’s request appeared and slashed the head of the Serpent into pieces and the seas and trip became calm.

Marianna made her profession to the religious life in 1579. As a virtues and holy Nun, Mother Marianna suffered tremendous persecutions within the Convent walls. However, she was privileged with mystical favors and Heavenly visions.
Having been elected as Abbess of the Convent, she was imprisoned four times by the sisters with the main inquisitor nun known as the ‘Captain’.
The frightful eternal destiny of the ‘Captain’ nun was revealed to Mother Mariana. Mother Marianna would willingly accept the suffrages of the torments of Hell for five years in salvation of the eternal souls of the ‘Captain’ nun.
When the five years had completed, Mother Marianna received the revelation that the ‘Captain’ nun would be saved, however she would need to spend some time in Purgatory. What is even more remarkable is that the archives in the Convent indicate that Mother Marianna died on three occasions – 1582, 1588 and her final death on January 16, 1635.
Who designed and made the Miraculous Statue?

The Blessed Mother, asked for a statue to be built in Her honour, which would be titled Our Lady of Good Success.
The statute was completed miraculously by the Angels Gabriel, Raphael and Michael and Saint Francis of Assisi.
After commencing the work, Francisco del Castillo, a local Sculptor chosen by Our Lady, travelled to find dyes in order to give the statue coloring and to give the statue a life-like appearance, only to return to find the statue miraculously completed.

Our Lady Herself assisted Mother Marianna in the measurement of the statue, which measured 5 feet 9 inches.
She said:
“As for the height, take the cord from around your waist and measure me without fear”
Responding to Mother Marianna’s concern as to who will hold the cord, Our Lady respoded:
“Beloved daughter, place one of the ends of your cord in my hand and I will hold it to me forehead, while you hold the other to my right foot”. (Volume II, page 28
Our Mother Mary explained to Mother Miriam that Her Son and our Lord desired that this statue be made for 2 reasons:
- Consolation and preservation of my convent.
- For the faithful souls of that time. (Volume II, page 24).
“They will have recourse to me under the invocation of Our Lady of Good Success”, the Blessed Virgin Mary’s words to Mother Marianna.
Mary is the Mother of Mercy.
- So that throughout time my daughters will see that I am giving to them My most Holy Son and their God as a Model of religious perfection… She asked that they Imitate Her humility, obedience, spirit of sacrifice and absolute dependence on the Divine Will.
The statue is honoured each year on 2 February the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord and Purification of Our Lady. Quito is over-run with processions, prayers and devotion.
What are the prophecies of Our lady of Good Success?
The prophecies that proceed from the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success are truly accurate and remarkable.
Below are the Prophecies which have all come true, except for one.
- Mother Marianna’s entry in eternal life is foretold on Feb 2, 1634, almost one year before her passing on January 16, 1635.
- The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception declared by Pope Pius IX in 1854 and the Dogma of the Assumption by Pius XII in 1950, made by our Lord (Volume II, 143).
- She prophesised that a truly Catholic President in Ecuador in 19th Century would dedicated the Country to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Ecuador would be given special Graces, however, the President, Don Gabriel Garcia Moreno would meet an untimely death on August 6, 1875.

This was fulfilled and the good Presidents last words were:
“I am dying, but God does not die”.
In the most revealing part of these ongoing apparitions, the Blessed Mother gave insight into the 20th and 21st Century. For our times our Lady foretold the following:
“There will be an almost complete and universal decline in morality. In those unhappy times an unlimited luxury will come about which will lead many, many people astray into sin. How many frivolous souls will be lost forever!
Innocence will not often be found any more in children, nor modesty in women.
The Sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the communion of Christ with His Church, will be attacked and profaned. Disgraceful laws will make it very easy to live in sin.…
Children will be born without being received into the communion of the Church.…
The devil will try ceaselessly, through wicked men with great power, to annihilate the Sacrament of Penance.
The same will happen with Holy Communion. Ah! How it pains me to have to reveal to you the many horrifying sacrileges that will occur both publicly and also in secret through the profanation of the Holy Eucharist!…
During this time people will think little of Extreme Unction, so that many of them will die without receiving it.…
The Sacrament of Holy Orders will be ridiculed, suppressed, and despised. The devil will try to persecute the priests of the Lord in every possible way. With subtle cunning he will work to draw them away from the spirit of their vocation and to ruin many of them.” (Volume II)
About the Priests in our times, She said:
“These vicious and immoral priests, who will cause a scandal among the Christian peoples, will stir up the hatred of many bad Catholics and of the enemies of the Roman, Catholic, Apostolic Church so that it falls on all priests. In this situation of utmost affliction within the Church, some who ought to speak will remain mute.” (Volume II)
The hope is provided in this next prophecy by Our Lady, but we must pray earnestly.
She says…
“Pray urgently…and ask Our Father in Heaven to put an end to such sinister times as soon as possible for the love of the Eucharistic Heart of my most holy Son, and to send to the Church of that time a prelate who will restore the character of His Priests….” (Volume II).
After all this, Mother Marianna is found unconscious.
Mother Marianna was provided with tremendous insight into our world. Mother Marianna performed tremendous acts of reparation and penance for our times, in fact she was found dead due to the horrors of our world.
When we look at our times, especially since the 1960s, all the Sacraments of the Catholic Church have been severely compromised, distorted and abused. To reflect with horror that what we see in the second part of the 20th Century and into the 21st Century was prophesised and warned about in the 17th Century.
The Blessed Mother also revealed to Mother Marianna that this Devotion, the accompanying warnings of Our Lady of Good Success and that her name will be largely forgotten and will be known in the 20th Century for these will be relevant for these times. (Volume II, 76).
What are the Five Reasons for the Extinguishing of the Sanctuary Lamp?
On February 2, 1634, the Feast of the Purification and the Presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple, the Sanctuary lamp was extinguished. The Blessed Mother appeared and spoke to Mother Marianna explaining the five reasons for the Extinguishing of the Sanctuary Lamp
Below are the five reasons taken from ‘The Admirable Life of Mother Marianna (Volume II), Fr. Manuel Sousa Pereia (1790), Translated by Dr. Marian T Horvat PhD (2006, First Edition) (Pages 210-214).
The First Reason:
“… is that at the end of the 19th century and into the 20th century various heresies will be propagated in this land, a free republic. As they come to dominate, the precious light of Faith will be extinguished in souls by almost total corruption of customs…. During this period there will be great physical and moral calamities both public and private.”
However a restoration will begin by those “..whom the merciful love of my Most Holy Son will destine for that restoration”.
It appears that these chosen by the Lord will suffer greatly, for Our Lady continues, “… will need great strength of will, constancy, valor, and much confidence in God.”
Here is the test of faith, “… there will be occasions in which everything will seem lost and paralyzed..”
But we have hope because this will begin “… the complete restoration”.
Not only has this occurred in Quito Ecuador but throughout the world. We see and witness many speaking out and are persecuted. However hope is promised.
The Second reason:
“My convent, being greatly reduced in number, will be submerged in a fathomless ocean of indescribable bitterness, ….”
“How many authentic vocations will perish because of the lack of discretion, discernment, and prudence on the part of Novice Mistresses in forming them!…”
“During this unfortunate epoch, injustice will enter even here, my closed garden. Disguised under the name of false charity, it will wreak havoc in souls. The spiteful Devil will try to sow discord, making use of putrid members, who, masked by the appearance of virtues, will be like decaying sepulchres emanating the pestilence of purification, causing moral deaths in some and lukewarmness in others”
There is certainly a massive decline in religious life throughout the world and one can see, especially a discerning soul, the false charity that echoes throughout the Church.
The Third reason:
“There will be almost no virgin souls in the world. The delicate flower of virginity, timid and threatened by complete destruction, will shine in the distance. Taking refuge in cloisters, it will find good soil there that will take root, grow and live, its fragrance being the delight of my Most Holy Son and the shield against divine ire. Without virginity, it would be necessary for the fire of Heaven to fall upon these lands to purify them.”
The Devil will attempt to enter into the cloister but the Heavenly Queen will “… confront him and crush his head under my feet.”
The Fourth reason:
The Masonic Sect will infiltrate all the social classes and enter into the “domestic ambience in order to corrupt the children…”
“During these unfortunate times, evil will invade childhood innocence. In this way, vocations to the priesthood will be lost, resulting in a true calamity.”
“It will fall to religious groups to sustain the Church..”
“For, during this period, the observance of the Rule will shine in the communities and there will be holy ministers of the altar, hidden and beautiful souls in whom my Most Holy Son and Il will take our delight, finding them excellent flowers and fruits of heroic sanctity.”
“The impious ones will rage a cruel war against them, letting fall on them vituperations, calumnies and vexations in order to stop them from fulfilling their ministry. But they, like firm columns, will remain unswerving and will confront everything with the spirit of humility and sacrifice with which they will be vested, by virtue of the infinite merits of my Most Holy Son . . .”
” In this epoch the Secular Clergy will be far removed from its ideal, because the priests will be careless in their sacred duties. Losing the divine compass, they will stray from the road traced by God for the priestly ministry and they will become attached to wealth and riches,….”
It is here that Our Lady promises a Holy Prelate, but he will be delayed and we are asked to pray for his arrival.
All vices will enter into the Clergy and will attract “… every type of chastisement, such as plagues, famines, internal fighting and external disputes with other nations, and apostasy, the cause of the perdition of so many souls so dear to Jesus Christ and to me.”
Further, wars and bloodshed are foreseen because of these Vices.
This will mark the arrival of Our Lady’s final hour where she “… will dethrone the proud and cursed Satan, trampling him under my feet and fettering him in the infernal abyss. This the Church and Country will finally be free of his cruel tyranny.”
The Fifth and Final reason:
“… Due to the laxity and the negligence of those who possess great wealth, who will indifferently stand by and witness the Church being oppressed, virtue being persecuted, and the triumph of evil, without piously employing their riches for the destruction of the evil ad restoration of the Faith…”
“It is also due to the indifference of the people who will allow the Name of God to be gradually snuffed out and adhere to the spirit of evil, freely delivering themselves to vices and passions.”
Truly horrific, Mother Marianna in seeing all that will occur was found unconscious.
Are we not living these times?
Return to God without question, for what is to befall our world is nothing short of God’s incredible justice, for which we deserve.
Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification,
Pray for us.