What are the little-known facts about Our Lady of Fatima and Sister Lucia?
Our Lady’s appearances at Fatima in 1917 continue to be of interest. Whilst the focus is predominately on the visions, the messages especially the Three Secrets and the Consecration of Russia and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, there are little known facts about Fatima and Sister Lucia.
Our Lady of Fatima’s appearances to Lucia on six consecutive occasions with her cousins Jacinta and Francisco from May 13, 1917, to October 13, 1917, where some 70,000 witnessed the Miracle of the Sun, has sparked much interest, commentary, research and volumes of books and articles. However, what is not commonly known are some surprising facts that help build a complete profile of Fatima, the apparitions, Lucia, Lucia’s family, the Church and the broader community. The following are twenty little known facts to build a further understanding about Lucia and Fatima.
Fact 20: Lucia’s name is divinely inspired

It was customary in Portugal that the name of the youngest girl would be named after her mother and the youngest boy after his father. However, Lucia’s father was inspired to name his newly born daughter ‘Lucia’.
The name Lucia means ‘light’.
A Heavenly inspired name much like the name St John the Baptist where Zechariah was told by the Angel Gabriel to him his son John where there was no one known by this name.
Fact 19: Relationship between Loreto Litany and the Cova da Iria
The place where Our Lady first appeared on May 13, 1917 is called the Cova da Iria. The word Cova means Hollow and the word Iria comes from the Greek word εἰρήνη (eirēnē) which means peace.
Therefore, by putting these words together, it can be said that Our Lady appeared at the Hollow of Peace.
Another interesting fact is that on May 5, 1917 (eight days prior to the first apparition), Pope Benedict XV ordered the invocation Queen of Peace, Pray for Us to be added to the Litany of Loreto.
Fact 18: Selfless parents during the Spanish Influenza

Whilst the Spanish Influenza had spread across Europe and would claim the lives of Jacinta and Francisco, the heroic and selfless care that the parents of Lucia – Antonio & Rosa, showed towards the family and friends in and around their neighbourhood. Antonio and Rosa cared for those who were stricken with the influenza sickness and were bedridden.
They risked their own health and the health of their own families.
At times they would remove children from other families and look after them with little that they had in their own house by caring for them and protected them from catching the influenza. Lucia and her siblings would assist in this work of charity.
The Spanish influenza claimed 108 lives just in the Fatima parish alone and more that 100,000 Portuguese.
Fact 17: A guardian Angle of Portugal is honoured
Portugal is the only nation that honours the angel assigned as its guardian. This dates to the 16th century when King Manuel I made this request of the Church and granted by Pope LEO X. He identified himself as the guardian angel of Portugal.

Fact 16: Lucia’s Mother doubted the apparitions
It is commonly known that Lucia’s Mother was often unsupportive of Lucia and the vision. Lucia’s Father would often come to the defence of Lucia and the apparition – he never doubted but remained on the fence. However, Sister Lucia’s mother always doubted the apparitions and took this into eternity.
Her great suffering, towards the end of her life was that she would never see or hear her daughters voice, despite her requests. The Dorothea Order would not allow Sister Lucia to visit nor speak to her mother over the telephone.
Lucia’s Mother died on July 16, 1942, Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and to which she had a devotion and wearing the scapular.
Fact 15: Only Lucia saw, heard, and spoke to Our Lady
An often-missed detail is that Lucia was the only one of the three visionaries that saw, heard and spoke to Our Lady.
Jacinta was able to hear and see Our Lady.
However, Francisco only saw the Our Lady.
Our Lady would say to Lucia to tell Francisco of what was communicated including the three secrets and the third secret.
This was also the case with the Angel of Peace.
Fact 14: Our Lady will appear a Seventh time at the Cova da Iria, Fatima

There was a total of six apparitions from May 13 and every month following, with the last apparition being the Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917. However, during the first apparition on May 13, 1917, Our Lady said, after requesting the children come to the Cova da Iria for 6 months on the 13th of each month, that “Later i will come here a seventh time”.
When this seventh appearance will take place is unknown.
Fact 13: Our Lady reveals the eternal fate of two of Lucia’s friends
During the first apparition on May 13, 1917, Lucia had asked about two girls that had recently passed into eternal life. Here is the dialogue taken from Sister Lucia’s Fourth Memoir:
“…. Then I remembered to ask about two girls who had died recently.
They were friends of mine and used to come to my home to
learn weaving with my eldest sister.
“Is Maria das Neves in Heaven?”
“Yes, she is.” (I think she was about 16 years old).
“And Amélia?”
“She will be in purgatory until the end of the world.”
(It seems to me that she was between 18 and 20 years of age).
Fact 12: The three Shepherd children do a painful penance
The three children wore a thick and rough rope around their waist as a form of penance.
During the September apparition Our Lady acknowledge that Our Lord was pleased with their penance, however the Blessed Mother (like a spiritual guide) asked them to wear the rope during the day and not during their sleep.
Fact 11: Children did not see the Miracle of the Sun
On October 13, 1917, and as promised, Our Lady revealed Her identity as the Lady of the Rosary and She performed a great miracle and sign for all to believe.
Whilst Lucia referred to the Sun, and Our Lady disappearing in the firmament, the three children did not witness the Miracle of the Sun, it was for the people to believe, the children saw St Joseph, the Child Jesus, and Our Lady, as the Holy Family representing the Joyful Mysteries. St Joseph and the Child Jesus blessed the world.

The next vision of Our Lord and Our Lady as Our Lady of Sorrows representing the Sorrowful Mysteries, Our Lord seemed to bless the world.
The final vision was Our Lady of Mount Carmel, as representative of the Glorious Mysteries.
Fact 10: Lucia has doubts about the apparitions
Leading up to the July 13, 1917, apparition Lucia developed doubts on the apparitions. This was a direct result of the interrogation by Pastor Father Manuel Marques Ferreira who put into the mind of Lucia that the visions were a deception from the Devil and not the beautiful Lady.
This doubt ate at Lucia’s thoughts, and she was convinced not to go to the Cova da Iria. However, her cousins Jacinta and Francesco had no doubts and made attempts to convince Lucia to go and prayed for her.
On the day of July 13 Lucia woke with an intense force that she could not refuse and went with her cousins.
Her doubts were availed.
Fact 9: Sacrifice and Penance for sinners
Our Lady asked the children to pray for the end of the war and for peace, however for sinners, She asked the children to make sacrifices.
Fact 8: The Pilgrimage of Praying the Rosary on one’s knees
Those who have visited the Fatima apparition site would have seen (or even participated) in the Rosary whilst traversing on one’s knees from one side of the site to the site of the apparition. But where did this practice originate?
The tradition of pilgrims, on their knees praying the Rosary comes from a promise Lucia had made with her sisters for nine consecutive days praying the Rosary while going from one end of the road to the holm oak tree – site of the apparition. Offered for her mother’s healing.
This offering for Lucia’s Mother’s health would be granted and she made a recovery.
Fact 7: Lucia’s identity is concealed
Lucia’s name was changed to Maria das Dores whilst she studied at a school in Porto to safeguard her identity.
Fact 6: Lucia enters religious life

Lucia commenced her postulancy on October 24, 1925, through the Dorothea Sisters in the convent at Tuy, Spain. The next day she left for the convent Travessa Isbael II in Pontevedra Spain from Oct 25, 1925- July 20, 1926.
She returned to Tuy Spain on October 2, 1926, to commence her novitiate.
Lucia received her temporary vows on Oct 3, 1928 and her final vows on Oct 3, 1934.
She was assigned to the convent of Pontevedra until May 1937 when she returned to Tuy, Spain.
Fact 5: Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is requested
As promised, Our Lady returned on December 10, 1925, with the Child Jesus by Her side, suspended on a luminous cloud.
The Blessed Mother rested Her hand on Lucia’s shoulder and showed Her a heart held in Her hands surrounded by thorns. The Child said,
“Take pity on the heart of your most Holy Mother, covered with thorns, with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of reparation to remove them.”
The request for the Five First Saturday devotion is made with the following requirements:
- Confession.
- Receive Holy Communion.
- Recite Five Decades of the Rosary.
- Keep Our Lady company for 15 minutes while reflecting on the15 mysteries of the Rosary.
- All the above must be done with the Intention of making reparation to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.
A promise is made:
- Assist at the hour of their death with all the graces necessary for the salvation of their soul.
Fact 4: Reminder of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Devotion with clarifications
Being in a convent and having sent several requests via the Mother Superior, spreading the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was met with some limitations, however Our Lord appeared on December 15, 1929: as a Child and again on February 15, 1926.
During the second apparition, the Child revealed Himself as the Child Jesus and insisted that Sister Lucia Spread throughout the world the devotion which His Heavenly Mother had requested.
Sister Lucia, in the confines of the convent, faced the difficulty in spreading the devotion, however, the Child Jesus assured her that through His grace, that her superior can do anything.
Lucia also presented the difficulty in going to confession on the Saturday to which Jesus approved that a confession within eight days and if the person is not in a state of grace, would be sufficient.
In another clarification, an intention of making reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary is required for the confession.
If not made or forgotten, the person can make the intention at the next confession.
Fact 3: Lucia is ordered to write the devotion and apparitions
On December 17, 1927, and before the tabernacle, Our Lord made it clear to Sister Lucia to write down the devotion and the apparitions, as revealed by the Most Holy Virgin, but to remain silent on the rest of the secret.
Fact 2: Heaven returns to request the Consecration of Russia
Again, another promise is fulfilled when Our Lady had stated that She would return to ask for the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. This was fulfilled on June 13, 1929.
This is described below:

“During Holy hour, the entire chapel was supernaturally light.
A Cross of light appeared above the altar, reaching to the ceiling.
A brighter light on the upper part of the cross
showed the face of a man and his body down to the waist, a dove of light on his breast,
and a body of another man nailed to the cross.
Just below the waist – a chalice and a very large Host suspended in the air,
drops of blood were falling on them from the face of the Crucified One and the wound on His side,
drops ran down onto the Host and then fell into the Chalice,
Our Lady was under the right arm of the Cross with Her Immaculate Heart and
in her left hand a crown of thorns and flames and her Immaculate Heart in Her hand.
Under the left arm of the Cross the letters like crystal clear water flowing down upon the altar formed the words “Grace and Mercy”.
The Mystery of the Blessed Trinity and lights about the Holy Trinity,
but Lucia was not permitted to share.
Our Lady said,
“It is now the time when God is asking the Holy Father,
in union with all the bishops of the world,
to consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart,
promising to save it by this means.
So many souls are condemned by God’s
justice for sins committed against me and
I have come to seek reparation:
sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray”
Fact 1: Lucia enters the Carmelite Order
On the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25, 1948 and after seeking permission from His Holiness Pope Pius XII, Sister Lucia entered the Carmelite Order of the Sisters to the Carmel of Saint Teresa in Coimbra.
She was known as Sister Maria Lucia de Jesus e do Coração Imaculado which translates to Sister Maria of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart.

I hope you found the above facts of interest and further enhanced your understanding of the events, visionaries, their families, and Our Lady of Family.
God be with you.