What does St. Thomas teach about the soul?

What does St. Thomas teach about the soul?

The soul, as the first principle of life, operates through distinct yet unified powers. These powers – vegetative, sensitive, and rational – work in harmony to perfect our nature. This is consistent with both divine revelation and natural reason, showing God’s wisdom in creating the human person. St. Thomas’s framework for understanding: How the rational…

What is the truth about Catholic Worship – Latria vs Dulia?

What is the truth about Catholic Worship – Latria vs Dulia?

The Catholic Church makes careful distinctions in how worship and veneration are practiced. Should you be looking for a simple explanation of Catholic worship, you will find that what appears as worship to outsiders actually encompasses three distinct forms of reverence. The highest form, latria, belongs to God alone and represents true divine worship. The…

What is Transubstantiation? The Real Meaning According to Catholic Teaching

What is Transubstantiation? The Real Meaning According to Catholic Teaching

The Catholic Church teaches that bread and wine become the actual Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during the Holy Mass. This profound mystery of faith traces its roots to the teachings of St. Paul in 57 A.D., though the term “transubstantiation” was first articulated by the holy Bishop Hildebert of Tours in the 11th…

How the Four Cardinal and Three Theological Virtues are timeless Wisdom for our times?

How the Four Cardinal and Three Theological Virtues are timeless Wisdom for our times?

The Catholic Church teaches that the Four Cardinal and Three Theological Virtues guide the faithful toward moral living and spiritual growth. The Four Cardinal Virtues include Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude. The Three Theological Virtues include Faith, Hope and Charity. What is a Virtue? Prior to diving into the specifics of the Cardinal and Theological…

How the Seven Heavenly Virtues guide us to overcome the Seven Deadly Sins?

How the Seven Heavenly Virtues guide us to overcome the Seven Deadly Sins?

The Catholic Church teaches that the Seven Deadly Sins do not represent the gravest offenses against God, but rather serve as the root causes from which all other sins emerge. These capital sins, as defined by the early Church Fathers, corrupt the soul and lead mankind away from Divine Grace. According to St. Thomas Aquinas,…

What is the Catholic Understanding of Venial and Mortal Sins?

What is the Catholic Understanding of Venial and Mortal Sins?

The Catholic Church teaches that sin represents an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience. Through her wisdom and tradition, Holy Mother Church distinguishes between two types of sins – venial and mortal sins. This distinction shows the extent of God’s mercy and justice in dealing with human transgressions. What does the Catholic Church teach…

How to identify the Seven Deadly Sins in a modern technological world?

How to identify the Seven Deadly Sins in a modern technological world?

Let us consider how the Seven Deadly Sins manifest themselves in our modern age. The Catholic Church, in her wisdom, has long taught that these vices – pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth – represent fundamental human weaknesses that lead us away from God.  What makes the Seven Deadly sins particularly concerning today?…

How the Three Temptations of Jesus are a pattern for overcoming sin?

How the Three Temptations of Jesus are a pattern for overcoming sin?

The Holy Scriptures tell us of Jesus’s forty days in the wilderness, where He faced the most profound temptations known to humanity. These temptations, recorded in the Gospels, reveal the depths of spiritual warfare and provide divine wisdom for our own battles against sin. The distinction between temptation and sin must be clearly understood. Temptation…

The True Church: What Jesus Actually Established According to Scripture?

The True Church: What Jesus Actually Established According to Scripture?

Surprisingly, a 2015 Church of England survey revealed that 22% of adults in England don’t believe Jesus was a real person. However, historical evidence tells a different story. First-century historian Flavius Josephus and Roman chronicler Tacitus both documented Jesus’s existence, providing non-biblical confirmation of the true church’s foundation. In fact, the Catholic Church traces its…

Three Days of Darkness Prophecy: Are We Seeing the First Signs?

Three Days of Darkness Prophecy: Are We Seeing the First Signs?

The prophecy of the Three Days of Darkness has been preserved through Catholic mystical tradition, particularly through the revelations given to Blessed Anna Maria Taigi. This holy woman, a mother of seven children and a respected mystic, received visions foretelling that millions would perish by steel in wars and conflicts, while others would face sudden…