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For a major part of the past 400 years the Apparitions of Our Lady of Success were largely forgotten. Occurring in the 17th Century, a holy Conceptionist nun was privileged to receive a series of...
The Blessed Mother is known by a number of titles that flow from Her role as the Mother of God. Mary is also known as the Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix of all Graces. The Blessed Virgin Mary...
The Assumption of Mary, as declared by Pope Pius XII on 1 November, 1950, states that at the end of Marys earthly life, She was taken body and soul into Heaven. The Dogma of the Assumption of Mary...
It is agreed by most Theologians and from the earliest teachings of the Church, that Mary remained a Virgin (St Luke 1:34) before and during the birth of Jesus. The conjecture amongst non-Catholic...
The concept of the Immaculate Conception refers to the instant that Mary existed in Her Mother’s womb (conception) St Anne and that Mary is free from Original Sin (immaculate). This belief can be...
The Mother of Jesus is highly esteemed by the Catholic Church as the Mother of God. This is not just a title of honour but by virtue of Mary’s role in bringing forth the Son of God, Jesus who is...