What are the little-known facts about Saints Jacinta and Francisco?
Our Lady’s appearances at Fatima in 1917 continue to be of interest. Whilst Sister Lucia became the central figure in spreading the messages, requests, and devotions (as instructed by Our Lady and later in her convent by Our Lord), there are little-known facts about the Saints Jacinta and Francisco and their families.
The three children Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia were privileged and graced with the Heavenly Mother of God from May 13, 1917. Heaven had chosen three shepherd children to deliver some very important messages and warnings to the entire Church and the world. Whilst many are familiar with Our Lady of Fatima, but the lives of Jacinta and Francisco have been in the shadows of Lucia. The following are twenty little known facts to build a further understanding about Saints Jacinta and Francisco.
Fact 20: Olimpia a widower of two children
Olimpia de Jesus was previously married to Lucia’s mother’s brother, Jose Fernandes da Rocha on February 6, 1888. Jose Fernandes da Rocha died eight years following their marriage in 1896. They had two children Antonio and Manuel.

Fact 19: Olimpia a second marriage
Olimpia married Manuel Pedro Marto. The two were blessed with seven children:
- Josē
- Teresa (who died at two years of age)
- Florinda
- João
- Teresa
- Francisco
- Jacinta
Fact 18: Francisco has his own vision of Hell
The three children enjoyed grazing their sheep and playing by jumping on and over rocks, Francisco took it upon himself to disappear and play alone. This was a characteristic of Francisco, who often enjoyed a life of solitude.
On this day when the three children were enjoying this past-time, at a place called Pedreira, Francisco went off on his own. Sometime later, he was shouting and crying out to Lucia, Jacinta, and Our Lady.
After finding Francisco he expressed with fright the following:
“It was one of those huge beasts that we saw in Hell.He was right here breathing out flames!”
Francisco had been shown a private vision of Hell.
Fact 17: Children show heroic virtue
On more than one occasion the children would seek offering sacrifice for sinners. They would often give their food to other children and to the sheep to fast and do penance.
With the threat by the secular administration that they would be boiled in a cauldron of oil if they did not reveal the secrets, the children were all willing to die rather than defy Our Lady’s request.
In other instances, the children would opt to eat the sour fruits on the tree rather than the ripe new fruits of the season.
Every opportunity that was presented to them, the children would offer up a penance and/or sacrifice for sinners. They seized upon the given Heavenly Graces at all costs.

Fact 16: Marto family lose four children during the Spanish Influenza
The parents of Jacinta and Francisco, Olimpia de Jesus (died April 3, 1956) & Manuel Pedro Marto (died Feb 3, 1957. Pedro had always said that “he would follow his wife quickly” and it would be 10 months later that he entered into eternal life following his wife.
Further, the Marto family lost four of their children during the Spanish Influenza epidemic, all within a space of 2 years and 3 months:
- Francisco (April 4, 1919)
- Jacinta (Feb 20, 1920)
- Florinda (May 7, 1920)
- Teresa (July 3, 1921)
Fact 15: Penance rope remained a secret
Penance and sacrifice for sinners was a vital part of the lives of the three seers, especially the short life of Jacinta and Francisco. This not only came about via the request of Our Lady, but also through the vision of Hell on July 13, 1917, and that Our Lady said, “You have seen Hell where the souls of poor sinners go”.
The children made it their mission to save as many souls as possible from the infernal place.
One secret penance that the children carried out for sinners was to wear a rough and tight rope around their waist.
This practice remained a secret between the three children.
Prior to Jacinta and Francisco entering eternal life, they both secretly handed Lucia their rope that they used as an act of penance for sinners, which they used to tie around their waist in secret. Lucia maintained their secret penance and suffering.
Fact 14: Francisco’s First Holy Communion and Viaticum
Francisco received his First Holy Communion and last Holy Communion (Viaticum) on April 3 1919 before passing into eternal life on April 4, 1919.
Fact 13: Francisco dies a Holy death
It was reported that as Francisco died at 10 pm on April 4, 1919 that he saw “a very beautiful light”. There is no doubt that Francisco was aided by Heaven at his death – a Holy death indeed!
Fact 12: Jacinta’s vision of the Holy Father
Jacinta had reported to Lucia that she had seen the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table with his face in his hands, crying.
Many people were outside the house, with some throwing stones and others cursed him and said many terrible things.
Fact 11: Jacinta’s lonely death is foretold by Our Lady
Our Lady had appeared to Jacinta and asked her whether she wanted to convert sinners, to which Jacinta replied “yes”.
For this, Jacinta would be moved to a hospital, suffer a lot, and would die alone.
Fact 10: Jacinta received four visits from Our Lady at her home
Jacinta received four visits from the Blessed Mother at her home.
Our Lady provided Jacinta with the direction and insight into her remaining days on earth.
Fact 9: Jacinta’s hour and day of death is revealed
Our Lady visited Jacinta in the orphanage where she was staying prior to being transported to the hospital as foretold by Our Lady.
Our Lady would sit on a certain chair next to her bed.
During these visitations, Our Lady told Jacinta the hour and the day that she would die.
Fact 8: Our Lady visited Jacinta at the Hospital
Our Lady continued to visit Jacinta at the hospital where she underwent surgery, whilst the operation would be reported as successful, Heaven would have other ideas.
Fact 7: Jacinta receives private revelations and warnings
Whilst Jacinta was awaiting to be transferred to the hospital, she received a number of revelations and warnings at the orphanage.
This was reported by Mother Godinho.
Here is what Jacinta told Mother Godinho:
“My dear Mother,
the sins that bring most souls to Hell are the sins of the flesh.
Certain fashions are going to be introduced which will offend Our Lord very much.
Those who serve God should not follow these fashions.
The Church has no fashions: Our Lord is always the same.
“Many marriages,” she remarked,
“are not good;
they do not please Our Lord and are not of God.”
“Pray a great deal for governments.
Pity those governments which persecute the religion of Our Lord.
If the governments left the Church in peace and
gave liberty to our Holy Religion,
they would be blessed by God.”
In another conversation, Jacinta said:
“My good Mother,
do not give yourself to immodest clothes.
Run away from riches.
Love holy poverty and silence very much.
Be very charitable, even with those who are unkind.
Never criticize others and avoid those who do.
Confession is a Sacrament of mercy.
That is why people should approach the confessional with confidence and joy.
The Mother of God wants a
larger number of virgin souls to bind themselves to her by the vow of chastity. I
would enter a convent with great joy,
but my joy is greater because I am going to Heaven.
To be a religious,
one has to be very pure in soul and in body.”
A real lesson in modesty, piety, reverence, charity and the avoidance of behaviours that lead many to the destruction of their soul in eternal Hell.
St Jacinta, Pray for us!
Fact 6: Jacinta is clothed in Our Lady’s colours
Prior to her entrance into eternal life, Jacinta had requested the desire to be clothed in the colours of Our Lady, that is in white and blue.
Following her death, Jacinta’s request was fulfilled, she was clothed in a white garment and a blue sash, whilst she lay in the coffin.

Fact 5: Jacinta is found to be incorrupt
Jacinta’s body was to be moved back to Fatima at the order of the bishop. Therefore, on September 12, 1935, by order of Bishop Jose Alves Correia da Silva, Jacinta’s remains were transferred to Fatima.
Those present at the transfer of the coffin and prior to departure, Jacinta’s coffin was opened and to the amazement of all present, the face of Jacinta was found to be incorrupt.
Fact 4: Jacinta and Francisco’s cause for canonisation commences
The cause for the Canonization of Jacinta and Francisco was opened in 1946 and officially declared by the is Bishop of Leiria, Josē Alves Correia da Silva on December 21, 1949.
However, it was not until April 1952 that the informative process was initiated and closed in 1979.
There were seventy-nine sessions in the Francisco cause and twenty-five witnesses.
This concluded on August 3, 1979.

In the case for Jacinta’s cause for canonization there were ninety-eight sessions and twenty -seven witnesses, with many of the witnesses in the Francisco cause gave witness in the Jacinta cause.
This concluded on July 2, 1979.
The Postulator for the Cause of Canonization was appointed on December 14, 1979, and it was Father Paul Molinari, SJ.
One of the major speculations for the Cause was the age of the children. The main question was, could the children demonstrate heroic virtue at such a young age? However, through all these sessions and witness testimonies it was shown that they could demonstrate heroic virtue and propelled Jacinta and Francisco to the next step.
Fact 3: Servants of God is handed to Jacinta and Francisco
All the evidence was presented to Rome and accepted by Pope John Paul II and on May 13, 1989, Jacinta and Francisco received the title of Servants of God. The next step in the process would require a sign from Heaven in the form of a miracle.
Fact 2: A First Miracle is approved – From Servants of God to Blessed
The miracle that was sought for the Beatification was arrive on June 28, 1999.
The first miracle was approved for the Servants of God Francisco’s and Jacinta’s beatification (Blessed).
A miracle was granted to Maria Meilia Santos after she sought the intercession of the two children visionaries. Maria Meilia Santos was paralysed for twenty-two years. Through her paralysis, Maria was unable to sit in bed. Following the miracle, she was able to sit in bed, and later she was able to walk with a cane. She had sought the two children’s intercession on both occassion.
As an accepted miracle, on May 13, 2000, the Servants of God, Francisco and Jacinta were Beatified by Pope John Paul II.
They received the titles of Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta and are declared for the universal Church.
A further miracle would hence be required for the Church to declare Blessed Jacinta and Blessed Francisco as saints.
Fact 1: A Second Miracle is approved – From Blessed to Saints
The second miracle would arrive and was granted to a boy who was born with an incurable diabetes.
Through the intercession of Blessed Jacinta and Blessed Francisco, Felipe Moura Marqes was completely cured.
With this now approved by the Church, the Canonisation of Jacinta and Francisco was set for May 13, 2017, exactly 100 years to the day that the first apparition took place at Fatima.

Pope Francis, with close to a million in attendance witnessed with joy and delight the Canonisation of Francisco and Jacinta.
The Universal Church was presented with Saint Jacinta and Saint Francisco and are commemorated in the liturgy on February 20, the Anniversary of Jacinta’s entrance into eternal life.
Final Comments:
Saint Jacinta and Saint Francisco are truly remarkable models for all to follow. There desire to do God’s will, save souls from Hell and appease all the offences committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. They are truly children of the Most Blessed Mother and should be our desire and hope to live our life accordingly.
Saints Jacinta and Francisco, Pray for us.
God be with you.