Are we living in a time of Prophecy? (Part Three)
The 20th Century was the most volatile century in history. It is no coincidence that throughout the centuries that Heaven has warned humanity of what would eventuate should mankind refuse to adhere to the requests of the prophetic messages. In 1917 at Our Lady of Fatima was no exception.
From the 19th Century Heaven was preparing the world for a Marian Devotion with the addition of the Rosary to combat Satan. Without these, the world would submerge into war, famine, natural disaster. Without a doubt the most important warning, messages, and prophetic apparition for our times, was at Fatima Portugal, 1917. The Mother of God is to play a major role in the conversion of Russia and the world.
The devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and ushering in the Reign of Mary in the 20th and 21st Century is to take centre stage in Heaven’s ultimate plan. For there will be no peace on earth until this is realised.
Next to His Sacred Heart, Jesus wants Devotion to His Mothers Heart. Our Lady to Mother Mariana de Jesus, Our Lady of Good Success in 1634 foretells the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception Saint Catherine Laboure, 1854, through the Miraculous Medal and the simple prayer that accompanies the medal:
“O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”
In 858 at Lourdes in France, Our Lady, the Blessed Mother reveals Her identity to Saint Bernadette Soubirou, “I am the Immaculate Conception”, hence affirming Pope Pius IX declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854.
These miraculous events would lead to the request of 1917, 1929, 1930 and 1931.
What happened at Fatima Portugal, 1917; Tuy 1929 and 1930; Rianjo 1931?
Heaven once again sent the Blessed Mother to three innocent children at the fields of Fatima, Portugal. Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 would be the most significant and most important apparition the world has ever witnessed.
For a detailed understanding of the May 13 to October 13, 1917 apparitions, this is covered in great detail in the following article

The culmination of the 1917 Apparitions along with the messages and three secrets would be the request for the Consecration of Russia and the Devotion to Her Immaculate Heart. True to Her word, Our Lady would return to Sister Lucia in her convent in Tuy on June 13, 1929:
“Suddenly a supernatural light illumined the whole chapel and a luminous cross appeared over the altar that reached up to the ceiling. In a brighter part, could be seen, on the upper part of the Cross, the face of a Man and His Body to the waist (God the Father);
On His breast was an equally luminous dove (the Holy Ghost), and nailed to the Cross, the Body of another Man (Our Lord Jesus Christ).

A little above the waist, suspended in mid-air, was to be seen a Chalice and a large Host onto which fell some drops of Blood from the Face of Jesus crucified and from a wound in His breast.
These drops ran down over the Host and fell into the Chalice.
Under the right arm of the Cross was Our Lady with Her Immaculate Heart in Her hand.
It was Our Lady of Fatima with Her Immaculate Heart in Her left hand without a sword or roses, but with a crown of thorns and flames.
Under the left arm (of the Cross), some large letters, as it were of crystal clear water running down over the altar, formed these words:
Grace and Mercy.
I understood that it was the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity that was shown to me, and I received lights about this mystery which I am not permitted to reveal. Then Our Lady said to me:
‘The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with all the bishops of the world, the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means.”
Our Lord appeared to Sister Lucia in 1930:
At the beginning of 1930, Our Lord reminds Sister Lucia of the request for the consecration of Russia and the devotion of the Five First Saturdays of the month were to be simultaneously transmitted to the Holy Father in Rome.
May, 29th of 1930
After explaining to Sister Lucia the reasons for the devotion of reparation of the Five First Saturdays, Our Lord promised to put an end to the Bolshevik persecution against the Catholic church if the Pope ordered all the Bishops in the world to make a solemn act of reparation and consecration of Russia to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and promised at the same time to approve and recommend the practice of the devotion of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
In the wake of Pope Pius XI’s indecision to fulfill the requests of Heaven, and his diplomatic policy of “Opening to the East,” Our Lord made known to Sister Lucia a dire warning.
August 1931 in Rianjo
“You console Me a great deal by asking Me for the conversion of those poor nations
(Russia, Spain and Portugal)…
Make it known to My ministers, that given they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My request, that they will follow him into misfortune. Like the King of France, they will repent and will do as I have requested, but it will be very late:
Russia will already have spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer! But it will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary.”
The correlation between the disobedience of the Kings of France in not Consecrating France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus has the same force as the Pope refusing to Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with the bishops of the world. A grave warning that has disastrous consequences.
Are there modern-day mystics that reinforce the Fatima warnings?
The three modern-days mystics not only reinforce the Fatima warnings, they speak of a major chastisement.
Blessed Anna- Maria Taigi
Blessed Anna Maria was born in 1769, Siena Italy and died in 1837. She was given the privilege of seeing some of the future popes of the 19th century and was able to read the state of one soul whether it was in a state of grace or not.

Blessed Anna Maria also foretold the 20th Century, two world wars and the following:
“God will send two punishments: one will be in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils;
it shall originate on earth.
The other will be sent from Heaven.” The punishment that will be sent from Heaven is the Three Days of Darkness which is covered in an article on the very subject.
Marie Julie Jahenny.
Marie Julie Jahenny was born in France 1850 and died in 1941. Soon after her 23rd birthday she received the stigmata in February of 1873 where she fell seriously ill and the Virgin Mary repeated to her that she would have to suffer very much.

Apart from the Three Days of Darkness, Marie-Julie Jahenny gave the following prophecies:
- On September 15, 1879, she announced Bismarck’s Kulturkampf and the war in Germany against Catholics.
- That there will be religious persecutions triggered off by the Freemasons and Republicans;
- Military service will be imposed on religious;
- The separation of Church and State;
- The Suppression of Crucifixes in hospitals, in courtrooms and teaching establishments
- The creation of atheistic schools, iniquity, irreligion, revolution and anti-patriotism.
She stated:
“By all that is most corrupt and dirty and would be instructed in a blasphemous religion …
the mortal creature would be made to adore all that is most infamous and ignoble, and indecently presented.”
- On the 5th of September 1881, Marie Julie Jahenny, prophescised the death of Melanie Calvat (La Salette), which was fulfilled 23 years later, on the 15th of December, 1904.
- She also prophesised the death of Pope of Leo XIII and the future Pope –
“The Adriatic Cardinal is chosen by God, His reign will be that of Christ.
He will not last very long and will be called Pius.”
-Prophesised World War I and Word War II.
In addition to the discontent with the lack of notice to the messages of La Salette, Heaven continued to show Marie Julie Jahenney by revealing the following:
- Profanation of the Holy Species;
- Role and temporary triumph of Freemasonry,
- the secularized priest … all these enemies want churches to become theaters of infernal dances and will continue implacably their aim to obtain the cessation of Holy Mass;
- removal of all Crucifixes and statues of the Saints from all the shrines and throw them in a profane place to break them with joy;
- the holy ministry will be covered in shame …
- An undercover grumbling reigns in the hearts of many priests against the bond of Faith;
- Enemies of the Church would penetrate into its bosom: “And perpetrate horrible scandals and thrust the sword into the heart of the Church.
She also had a vision of a Dialogue between Our Lord and Lucifer who stated:
“I will attack the Church. I will overthrow the Cross, I will decimate the people, I will deposit a great weakness of Faith in hearts. There will also be A GREAT DENIAL OF RELIGION. For a time I will be MASTER of all things, everything will be under MY CONTROL, even Your temple and all Your people.”
Marie-Julie saw that:
“There will not remain any vestige of the Holy Sacrifice, no apparent trace of faith. CONFUSION will be everywhere …”
I will let the above prophecies speak for themselves.
Blessed Sister Elena Aiello
Blessed Elena Aiello was born in 1895 and died in 1961. She was a mystic and stigmatist.
Blessed Elena was a Victim Soul, prophet and foundress of the Minim Tertiaries of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In 1940, Jesus asked Sister Elena to deliver a message to Premier Benito Mussolini, telling him not to join with Hitler in World War II. Otherwise, Italy would suffer a terrible defeat and Mussolini would be punished by Divine Justice and have a speedy downfall.
But Mussolini ignored the warning, and all that was foretold came to pass.
Notable Messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Sister Elena:
“People are offending God too much. Were I to show you all the sins committed on a single day, you would surely die of grief.
These are grave times. ….
All is hanging on a slender thread.
When that thread shall snap, Divine Justice shall pounce upon the world and execute its dreadful, purging designs. All the nations shall be punished because sins, like a muddy river, are now covering all the earth.”
Further messages:
“The powers of evil are getting ready to strike furiously in every part of the globe. Tragic events are in store for the future. For quite a while, and in many a way, I have warned the world.
The nation’s rulers do indeed understand the gravity of these dangers, but they refuse to acknowledge that it is necessary for all people to practice a truly Christian life to counteract that scourge.
Oh, what torture I feel in my heart, on beholding mankind so engrossed in all kinds of things and completely ignoring the most important duty of their reconciliation with God.
The time is not far off now when the whole world shall be greatly disturbed. A great deal of blood of just and innocent people as well as saintly priests will be poured out.
The Church shall suffer very much and hatred will be at its very peak”.
“Many iniquitous and wicked leaders of the people, who live and drag along with them their people outside the laws of God, showing themselves in sheep’s clothing, while being a rapacious Wolves, have ruined society, stirring up against God and his church.”
On the Feast of the Immaculate Heart, 2 August 22, 1960, the Blessed Mother said:
“Tremendous scourges are impending over the world, and various nations struck by epidemics, famines, great earthquakes, terrific hurricanes, with the overflowing rivers and seas, which bring ruin and death.”
“If the people do not recognise in these scourges of nature the warnings of Divine Mercy, and do not return to God with truly Christian living, another terrible war will come from the East to the West.
Russia with her secret armies will battle America; Will overrun Europe.”
These messages and warnings to Blessed Elena appear to reinforce the importance of the Consecration of Russia and that “Russia with her secret armies will battle America and overrun Europe.”
Our Lady’s word from Fatima rings true “Russia will spread her errors” should the Consecration not take place.
These prophecies have consistency from all eras because they have the one and only source, Our Heavenly Father in Heaven, His only Begotten Son, the Holy Spirit and the Queen of Heaven.
Our Blessed Mother loves here children far more than they know.
Return to Her son and live a life devoted to your Heavenly Mother.