How the Four Cardinal and Three Theological Virtues are timeless Wisdom for our times?

The Catholic Church teaches that the Four Cardinal and Three Theological Virtues guide the faithful toward moral living and spiritual growth.
The Four Cardinal Virtues include Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude. The Three Theological Virtues include Faith, Hope and Charity.
What is a Virtue?
Prior to diving into the specifics of the Cardinal and Theological Virtues it is important to define what is a virtue?
A virtue can be defined as a positive habit that guides us towards beneficial actions. It influences our thought processes and behaviors, encouraging us to act in ways that align with reason, our inherent nature, and our ultimate purpose. Virtues stand in contrast to vices, which are detrimental habits.
Virtues, being habits themselves, share characteristics with other good habits. Virtues develop gradually through consistent practice. They:
Begin through repeated actions
Strengthen when performed with increased intensity
Diminish when opposing vices are practiced
Make virtuous acts more effortless, enjoyable, and worthy of merit
The importance of virtues cannot be overstated. They are essential for us to function as rational beings, guiding our decisions and actions in accordance with our nature and goals.
What separates Human nature from the Animal kingdom?
Human nature is set apart from that of animals by two key spiritual abilities: our Intellect, which is designed to grasp truth, and our Will, which aims to pursue good. As rational creatures, we have a responsibility to enhance these abilities by developing virtues. We refine our intellect through intellectual virtues and our will through moral virtues.
Intellectual virtues, with the exception of prudence, generally improve our skills in specific areas. They might make us exceptional in fields like mathematics, engineering, medicine, or art, but they don’t necessarily make us better people.
As an example, John is a brilliant Scientist but is involved in the illegal trafficking of illicit substances. The way that Prudence works is that it bridges both intellectual and moral virtues. Unlike purely intellectual virtues, it contributes to our overall goodness as human beings. Moral virtues, including prudence, are crucial in shaping us into good people, which is why they are considered more important.
Our life’s purpose goes beyond excelling in a particular profession; it’s about becoming a good person. More profoundly, it’s about developing into a worthy adopted child of God, destined for Heaven. However, this spiritual growth requires a foundation of good human character. The supernatural doesn’t replace the natural; rather, it builds upon it.
The intellectual virtues include:
Primary moral virtues encompass:
Various related virtues
However the Cardinal Virtues that have developed through the Catholic Church, the Church Fathers, Scripture and across cultures and religions are: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance.
What are these Cardinal virtues that have shaped human understanding since ancient times?
The Catholic tradition shows how these virtues work together to form human character. The Catholic understanding of virtues draws deeply from both divine revelation and human wisdom. The early Greek philosophers, particularly Plato in his work “Republic,” first discussed wisdom, justice, fortitude, and temperance as essential qualities for righteous living.
The Church Fathers developed these philosophical insights into what we now know as the Cardinal and Theological virtues. St. Ambrose, in the 4th century, formally established these four foundational virtues: temperance, justice, prudence, and fortitude. This shows how the Church has always sought to integrate human wisdom with divine truth.
St. Augustine, that great Doctor of the Church, further illuminated these virtues as expressions of divine love. Subsequently, St. Thomas Aquinas provided the most comprehensive examination of these virtues during the scholastic period. The understanding deepened when combined with the theological virtues—faith, hope, and charity—first proclaimed by St. Paul the Apostle.
This is ratified by Pope Gregory I in the 6th century, who established how each virtue specifically counters a deadly sin. The Holy Father’s teaching demonstrates the practical nature of these virtues in combating human weakness.
St. Thomas Aquinas, in his profound wisdom, distinguished between supernatural and natural life, showing how specific virtues apply to different aspects of human existence. He mapped:
Prudence to decision-making
Justice to interactions with others
Fortitude to managing fears
Temperance to controlling desires
How to live the Cardinal and Theological Virtues Today?
The Doctrine of virtues remains vital for character formation today. These virtues are not mere habits but require conscious choice and understanding. To understand this, we must see how these virtues develop:
Wisdom for daily decisions
Justice in the treatment of others
Fortitude or Courage in facing trials
Temperance or Self-control in desires
Modern studies confirm what the Church has always taught about these virtues’ importance for personal development and ethical living. This shows how Catholic teaching remains ever relevant, particularly in our digital age where prudence in information consumption and justice in online interactions become increasingly crucial.
What happens in our minds and hearts when we practice virtue?
Research shows that virtuous living shapes our emotional well-being through what scientists call mentalized affectivity. This process of emotion regulation explains much about how we find satisfaction and peace.
The studies confirm the Church’s wisdom – virtuous activities bring deeper satisfaction than mere pleasure-seeking. Those who practice virtue-based living report greater meaning and contentment with each passing day. This shows how living according to God’s design leads to authentic happiness.
Much is unknown about the intricate workings of the human brain, yet modern science reveals fascinating insights about how God designed us for moral living. Brain imaging studies show specialized networks for moral decision-making:
Regions that process our intentions and beliefs
Areas that help us recognize harm to others
Systems that integrate moral judgments
This is consistent with Church teaching about the development of conscience. Studies show that our capacity for basic moral understanding develops early, supporting the importance of early virtue formation that the Church has always emphasized.
Are the Cardinal and Theological Virtues the Path to True Happiness?
The research confirms what the saints have taught through the ages – virtue and happiness are intimately connected. Studies have found:
Love, gratitude, hope, curiosity, and wisdom show the strongest links to well-being
Virtues like persistence and forgiveness also contribute to happiness
Self-transcendent virtues particularly foster lasting joy
This creates what researchers call a “virtuous cycle”, much like what the spiritual masters described as growth in holiness. The practice of virtues like gratitude can even improve mental health as effectively as some modern treatments.
Incorporating contemplative practices, as research shows, enhance awareness and self-control, helping grow in virtue. A great read would be the works of the saints who wrote about contemplative prayer and its role in virtue formation.
Since moral decision have an immediate affect on us and on our eternal destination, we shall examine the moral virtues that form three parts of the Cardinal Virtues.
What are the Moral Cardinal Virtues?
The Three Moral Cardinal Virtues are: Fortitude, Justice and Temperance
What about the virtue of Fortitude?
Controlling Fear and Daring: The Essence of Fortitude
There are two passions that require particular control: fear and daring, since these are associated with dangers and difficulties that we encounter daily.
Like other passions, fear and daring have a tendency to veer toward extremes. Fear can lead to cowardice, while daring can result in rashness. Fortitude prevents us from succumbing to cowardice by encouraging us to confront dangers, even death, when it is reasonable to do so. It also shields us from rashness by stopping us from recklessly plunging into perilous situations. In the balance between cowardice and recklessness lies the virtue of fortitude.
Virtues concerned with fortitude
Munificence is the virtue of generous giving for noble causes. It governs the allocation of substantial resources for constructing and embellishing buildings. This virtue is accessible to both the affluent and the less fortunate, as it encourages giving according to one’s means. It strikes a balance between extravagance and miserliness.
Constancy is the unwavering commitment to reasonable resolutions, despite challenges and temptations. This virtue ensures steadfastness while avoiding unreasonable stubbornness or capricious behavior. Martyrs epitomize the pinnacle of constancy.
Patience enables us to manage feelings of sadness triggered by life’s hardships and burdens. It protects us from the extremes of indifference and irritability. Representing the passive aspect of fortitude, patience is often considered more noble and meritorious than its active counterpart. When confronting obstacles, we may inadvertently pursue our own desires, potentially acting selfishly. However, by accepting the trials sent by God with loving resignation to His providence, we ensure alignment with His will. This is why patience imparts strength and tranquility. When exercised over an extended period, patience evolves into perseverance.
Magnanimity, derived from the Latin “magna anima” meaning “great soul,” embodies the essence of spiritual grandeur. This noble virtue propels individuals to undertake significant actions, driven by lofty motives and executed with exceptional grace. It shares a close kinship with fortitude, serving as a guiding force in our pursuit of honor.
This virtue acts as a balancing force, shielding us from two opposing extremes:
Pusillanimity: The antithesis of magnanimity, characterized by a small-minded outlook fixated on trivial matters. Those afflicted by pusillanimity fail to recognize life’s true nobility, finding satisfaction in superficial achievements and fleeting moments of perceived importance.
Vainglory: The excessive pursuit of approval, either from others or oneself. It manifests in various forms:
Boastfulness: Excessive self-promotion
Vanity: An insatiable desire for attention
Novelty-seeking: A constant craving for the latest trends
Hypocrisy: Presenting a false image of superiority
Stubbornness: Refusing to acknowledge others’ intellectual superiority
Disobedience and discord: Disrupting harmony in relationships
What about the Virtue of Temperance?
Temperance is the virtue that allows us to exercise rational control over our pleasures. It primarily governs our approach to three fundamental areas of human experience:
Sexual activity
The proper use of pleasure is guided by two key principles:
Purpose of Pleasure: Pleasure should serve the act it accompanies, not the other way around. For instance, we should eat to sustain life, rather than live solely for the enjoyment of eating.
Purpose of the Act: Each act should fulfill its natural purpose. We must not intentionally negate this purpose, as doing so would be unreasonable and foster vice.
It’s important to note that true temperance comes from within, not from external circumstances or societal pressures.
What are the vices opposed to the virtue of Temperance?
The prime vices that oppose the virtue of Temperance include Gluttony which is the excess of eating and drinking too much or to excess. A normal meal for one may be an excessive meal for another. Temperance takes the circumstance into account to regulate.
What are the Moral Implications of Intoxication or Drunkenness?
Total intoxication or drunkenness is considered a serious moral transgression. This severity stems from its complete suppression of human reason—the very faculty that defines our dignity as human beings. Voluntarily relinquishing our capacity for rational thought without justifiable cause is deemed unacceptable.
States of intoxication that fall short of complete inebriation are generally viewed as less severe moral lapses. However, for individuals in positions of authority or those expected to set a positive example, even partial intoxication in public settings could be considered a serious ethical breach.
For an act of intoxication to be considered a grave moral failing, it must involve full awareness and complete freedom of choice regarding the seriousness of the action. For instance, if someone declares, “I’m aware that becoming intoxicated is a serious transgression, yet I intend to do so on my upcoming birthday,” they bear full moral responsibility from the moment of that decision.
Conversely, an individual unaccustomed to alcohol consumption might become significantly intoxicated without fully realizing the moral implications of their actions. In such cases, while some level of moral responsibility may exist, it may not reach the threshold of a grave transgression due to the lack of full awareness and complete freedom of choice.
What are the reasons to abstain from excessive drinking?
The following are practical and good reasons from abstaining from excessive drinking and in many cases from drinking at all:
Its classification as a grave moral failing
Disruption of domestic harmony
Negative influence on children
Damage to family reputation
Increased likelihood of offensive language, including blasphemy
Potential disclosure of confidential information
Neglect of professional duties
Risk of financial hardship for the family
Potential endangerment of others
Gateway to other transgressions like theft or impurity
How does Temperance regulate Sexuality?
Pleasure in reproduction serves a purpose, just as enjoyment in eating and drinking supports individual survival, pleasure in reproduction supports species continuation. The pleasure is seen as secondary to the act itself, which is meant to result in childbirth and child-rearing. The conditions for acceptable sexual pleasure It’s considered permissible only within marriage and partners should adhere to their religious laws and principles.
The role of will in moral judgment emphasizes that sin is determined by willful choices, not involuntary experiences and that experiencing sexual feelings isn’t inherently wrong; deliberately choosing to indulge in prohibited pleasure is considered sinful.
Temperance aids in replacing and advising in replacing unwanted sexual throughs or images with more positive thoughts. It is important to mention that not willfully entertaining or engaging these thoughts or images and attempt to redirect them, is not considered sinful. Avoid impurity as you would avoid the fire of Hell because:
It constitutes a grave spiritual transgression.
It can rapidly develop into an addictive pattern of behavior.
It swiftly clouds one’s understanding of spiritual matters.
It promptly cultivates an aversion to all things mystical.
It fosters resentment towards the Divine as the Punisher of Wrongdoing.
It breeds envy and resentment towards those of untainted virtue.
It nurtures brutality in its most inhumane manifestations.
It instills a persistent dread of mortality and affliction.
It paves the way for various forms of inequity.
It imposes a form of bondage that foreshadows the desolate anguish of eternal damnation.
How to protect purity?
Mindful Living
Steer clear of situations that may lead to moral compromise
Address temptations promptly and decisively
Cultivate humility to counteract pride
Maintain an active lifestyle, avoiding idleness
Mental and Emotional Discipline
Resist unhealthy curiosity
Seek guidance from trusted mentors or spiritual advisors
Engage in regular physical activity outdoors
Practice good personal hygiene
Exercise moderation in eating and drinking
Develop emotional intelligence and self-control
Personal Development
Pursue enriching hobbies and interests
Set and strive for noble aspirations
Foster meaningful relationships and positive influences
Embrace spiritual practices like confession and communion
Attend religious services regularly, if aligned with your beliefs
Spiritual Reflection
Dedicate time to prayer, focusing on personal growth
Contemplate life’s profound questions and ultimate purpose
Reflect on spiritual teachings and their applications
Practice mindfulness and awareness of a higher presence
Treat your body with respect, viewing it as a sacred vessel
Devotional Practices
If part of your faith, cultivate a connection with spiritual figures
Engage in regular meditation or contemplative practices
This guide offers a holistic approach to nurturing purity in thought, action, and spirit, emphasizing personal growth, self-discipline, and spiritual awareness.
How chastity is the virtue of Self-Control and Spiritual Growth?
TEMPERANCE, a virtue of moderation, manifests in various forms:
ABSTINENCE: The regulation of eating and drinking
SOBRIETY: The control of alcohol consumption
CHASTITY: The management of sexual desires
Chastity applies to different life stages:
Pre-marital chastity for the unmarried
Marital chastity for couples
Chastity for widows and widowers
While impurity can lead to a person becoming more controlled by bodily desires, chastity has the opposite effect. It empowers the soul to have greater influence over the body, fostering spiritual growth. This spiritual nature of chastity has earned it the nickname “the angelic virtue.”
In essence, chastity is viewed as a transformative virtue that not only regulates physical desires but also enhances spiritual perception, intellectual clarity, and the capacity for divine love.
What are some of the virtues concerned with the Cardinal Virtue of Temperance?
Meekness: Mastering Anger
Meekness is not weakness, but rather a powerful virtue that helps us navigate the complex landscape of human emotions, particularly anger. It strikes a delicate balance between two extremes:
It prevents us from becoming insensitive to legitimate provocations that should rightfully stir our anger.
It guards against excessive anger that can lead to irrational behavior.
A meek individual is far from being a pushover. Instead, they possess the strength to:
Recognize when anger is justified
Express that anger appropriately
Control their anger to avoid unreasonable actions
Meekness, like all virtues, empowers rather than diminishes the individual.
Clemency: The Art of Just Punishment
Clemency is the virtue that governs the administration of punishment. It serves two crucial functions:
It counteracts the weakness of those who shy away from necessary punishment (e.g., lenient parents or judges).
It prevents excessive or disproportionate punishment.
Clemency embodies the wisdom to:
Recognize when punishment is necessary
Apply punishment judiciously
Show mercy when circumstances warrant it
This virtue ensures that justice is served while leaving room for compassion and rehabilitation.
In essence, both meekness and clemency are virtues that require strength, wisdom, and self-control. They enable us to navigate complex moral situations with grace and justice.
Humility and Truth
We are prone to mistakes and wrongdoings when left to our own devices, much like we would cease to exist without divine support. While acknowledging that our goodness comes from God, we must also properly value the gifts He has bestowed upon us. We should neither exaggerate nor ignore these gifts, but see them as God does – in their true light. Humility is rooted in truth: an honest recognition of our complete dependence on God as His creations, and a fair appreciation of the blessings He has given us.
St. Augustine’s concise prayer,
“May I know myself; may I know Thee,” truly embodies a humble heart.
Jesus Christ, our Divine Savior, was the most humble human being. This was because He, more than anyone else, understood the infinite gap between the created and the Creator, between humanity and God.
Modesty governs external aspects such as appearance, attire, speech, and general behavior in the presence of others. It brings a gentle reasonableness to our conduct and serves as a protective barrier for purity.
This virtue moderates our use of recreation, laughter, and merriment. The Greeks called it Eutrapelia. It shields us from becoming overly serious (by defect) or excessively frivolous (by excess). It’s a characteristic of a well-mannered individual.
Studiousness is a virtue that regulates our desire for learning. Some fall short by not studying enough, while others go to excess. They might spend too much time studying, focus on subjects outside their course while neglecting required material, or study only worldly matters while ignoring spiritual knowledge.
These virtues, along with temperance, guide us in moderating our behavior and desires, helping us lead balanced and righteous lives.
What is the Cardinal Virtue that is in the intellect?
Wisdom in action, or prudence, enhances our mind’s ability to make sound practical decisions. Prudence directs us in acting appropriately. As the sole intellectual virtue that not only improves specific skills but also shapes us into better individuals, its significance cannot be overstated. Let’s explore this concept further.
Prudence is a mental skill that aids in evaluating and selecting the appropriate methods to achieve humanity’s genuine objective through our daily actions. In the natural world, our goal is preset by our Creator, who endows us with rational capabilities. This goal involves consistently behaving logically to attain contentment. The methods are our everyday human behaviours, provided they align with reason.
Consider the multitude of human actions you can perform in a single day using your:
Internal senses
External senses
What are some aids to improving Prudence?
Prejudice can hinder prudent decision-making. Some individuals dismiss spiritual concepts outright, while others cling to a materialistic worldview. This bias can prevent them from objectively considering arguments for the soul’s spirituality or God’s existence. Such preconceptions can be detrimental to prudence.
Emotional control is crucial for prudent behavior. Strong feelings like love, hate, fear, anger, or jealousy can lead to rash actions. To cultivate prudence, it’s essential to manage your emotions using reason and logic.
Mood management is equally important. Extreme emotional states, whether positive or negative, can cloud judgment. Prudence requires emotional stability and self-control.
Developing tact is a valuable skill for prudent individuals. It involves quickly assessing a situation and responding appropriately.
Foresight is a key component of prudence. Train yourself to consider not just immediate consequences but also long-term effects of your actions. Reflect on how your choices might impact your life years from now, at the moment of death, and even in eternity. Ask yourself, “How will I view this decision when my time comes?” or “What actions will I wish I had taken when I face eternity?” Such contemplation can guide you towards more prudent choices.
What are the Three Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity?
Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope, and Charity are supernatural virtues that have God as their basis. The term “Theological Virtues” originates from the Greek word ‘theos,’ meaning God. These divine gifts take on special significance as we face the challenges of our age, and have they are concerned with our end.
In writing about love, St Paul in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 states:
“And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.” (1 Corinthians 13:13).
Let us examine these Three Theological Virtues in detail.
How to understand the Theological Virtue of Faith?
The nature of truth can be understood through two distinct approaches: faith and science. These methods differ in how we come to accept and understand truths.
Faith-based acceptance relies solely on trusting an authority figure. While this trust may be well-founded, it doesn’t provide direct insight into the truth itself. We accept without truly understanding, as the authority remains separate from the truth it conveys.
Conversely, scientific understanding involves a direct insight into the truth. We assent because we genuinely comprehend the concept. Our agreement is based on internal evidence – we see the truth for ourselves rather than accepting it blindly.
Faith as a Supernatural Divine Gift
The supernatural gift of faith transcends human reasoning. It’s a divine endowment that elevates our intellect and will, allowing us to grasp the profound truths of God’s inner life. This gift enables us to comprehend mysteries that surpass not only human understanding but even that of the highest conceivable angelic beings.
Faith, as a permanent gift of divine illumination and benevolence, empowers even young children to embrace revealed truths with remarkable ease and confidence, despite lacking formal proofs of God’s existence or the reality of revelation.
This infused virtue of faith is a constant supernatural gift of enlightenment and goodwill. It motivates us to accept all of God’s revealed truths with filial trust and gratitude. We embrace these truths as they are revealed to us by an infinitely perfect Father – one whom we believe in without seeing, but whom we will behold in the eternal glory of heaven after death.
This divine gift allows us to feel at home with the deepest mysteries of God, much like adopted children of the Divine, joint-heirs with Christ to the Father’s spiritual riches.
The Nature of Divine Faith
Divine faith rests on God’s authority, which is infinitely trustworthy. Consequently, the certainty in divine faith surpasses any natural certainty we might possess. It’s a supernatural certainty, a participation in God’s own certainty.
Consider the certainty of Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist or the existence of heaven versus the certainty of one’s own existence. While we’re absolutely sure of our existence, this is a natural certainty. The certainty regarding the Eucharist or heaven is far superior, as it’s proportionate to God’s infinite certainty.
Given that divine faith is infallibly true and certain, it can never truly conflict with science. Apparent clashes arise when something is incorrectly attributed to faith or science. All truth originates from God, the First Truth, who cannot contradict Himself.
How can one lose their Faith?
The Catholic Church’s practice of prohibiting certain books, once listed in the Index, known as the Index Librorum Prohibitorum ( Index of Forbidden Books) stems from various concerns:
Moral integrity: Some banned books contain highly immoral content, violating natural law applicable to all individuals.
Philosophical disagreements: Certain texts promote ideologies like materialism, which contradict Church teachings.
Misinformation: Some books spread falsehoods or slander against the Church.
Anti-Christian bias: Other works display extreme prejudice against Christianity.
By restricting access to these books, the Church aims to fulfill its duty of safeguarding and teaching the truth, as commissioned by Jesus Christ. This responsibility is comparable to a parent protecting a child from consuming harmful substances. The Church’s intention is not to be narrow-minded but to shield its members from intellectual and moral harm caused by writers whose misguided worldviews may lead to unhappiness and spiritual ruin.
To maintain and strengthen one’s faith, the following practices are recommended:
Cultivating humility
Detachment from worldly concerns
Maintaining purity
Gaining a comprehensive understanding of one’s religion
Developing the habit of deep reflection on philosophical and religious matters
However, the most effective way to preserve faith is by actively living it. Saints like Thomas Aquinas and Teresa of Avila exemplify this approach. Their personal experiences led them to value faith as an invaluable treasure, surpassing all worldly possessions. They perceive faith as God does – a magnificent supernatural gift of enlightenment and goodwill. This gift enables believers to appreciate life’s blessings as a preview of the beatific vision awaiting them in the afterlife.
Other ways one exposes themselves to weakening and even losing their Faith include:
By denying it hence persons who deny a teaching of the Church has fallen into heresy and one who denies all God’s truths is an Apostate. These are grievous sins.
By compromising one’s faith for another.
By failing to learn what we should about our religion.
By exposing oneself to the danger of losing the faith through pride, worldliness, impurity, ignorance and superficiality.
What are some practical ways to increase or preserve one’s Faith?
Spiritual Reflections and Actions
Express daily gratitude for the blessing of faith.
Commit to deepening your understanding of faith through continuous learning.
Strive to embody your faith more fully in your daily life.
Lead by example, inspiring others through your actions and character.
Dedicate time to pray for the spiritual growth of others, with a focus on global harmony.
How to understand the Theological Virtue of Hope?
When we hope, we anticipate a positive outcome. Hope is inherently future-oriented; once an object of hope is obtained, it ceases to be hoped for, though similar desires may arise. Hope is exclusively associated with positive outcomes. Negative prospects, such as injuries or illnesses, elicit fear rather than hope. Additionally, hope involves a degree of challenge. Hope embodies a certain resilience, motivating us to pursue challenging goals through effort and perseverance.
Crucially, hope is tethered to possibility. When faced with an impossible goal, hope gives way to despair. Hope thrives in the realm of the difficult yet achievable.
Hope as a Theological Virtue
In its natural state, hope isn’t considered a virtue but rather an emotion or passion. However, within the supernatural realm, there exists a virtue known as hope. What is the object of this hope? It’s nothing less than God Himself, comprehended, cherished, and experienced through the Beatific Vision, made attainable by His omnipotence.
Hope, having God as its focus, is classified as a theological virtue, alongside divine faith and charity. The experience of God in heaven is undoubtedly the ultimate good. It’s a future good, as it can only be realized after death. Achieving this good is challenging, requiring one to pass away in a state of grace. Nevertheless, it remains a possible good, thanks to God’s infinite power at our disposal.
Given that heaven is an inherently supernatural destination, it becomes clear why we need – and indeed possess – a supernatural virtue called hope to motivate us towards its attainment. This supernatural hope serves as our driving force in pursuing this divine goal.
What we hope for and why we hope?
Biblical Foundation
St. Paul encourages us to “Rejoice in the anticipation of the glory awaiting God’s children” (Romans 5:2). This glory, promised to us as God’s adopted sons and daughters, is further elaborated by St. John:
“Beloved, we are already God’s children, though what we will become has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He truly is. All who have this hope in Him purify themselves, just as He is pure” (1 John 3:2-3).
The Beatific Vision
Our ultimate hope is to perceive God in His true essence. This means:
Knowing Him as He knows Himself
Loving Him as He loves Himself
Sharing in His eternal happiness
This profound union with God is known as the beatific vision. St. John urges us to purify ourselves in preparation for this divine encounter, as nothing impure can enter such intimate communion with God.
God’s Promise of Eternal Life
St. Paul explicitly states that the object of our hope is “eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the beginning of time” (Titus 1:2).
Hope as an Anchor
Because of God’s unwavering truthfulness and faithfulness to His promises, St. Paul advises us to “hold unwaveringly to the hope we profess, for it serves as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:18-19). This hope provides stability amidst life’s challenges, much like an anchor secures a ship during a storm.
St. Paul further reinforces this hope by reminding us that Christ has preceded us to the beatific vision, interceding on our behalf and granting us the grace to follow Him.
Objects of Our Hope
Primary: God Himself, to be known, loved, and enjoyed in heaven
Secondary: Glorification of our bodies; Various graces and Material blessings that aid in our spiritual journey
These biblical teachings emphasize that our ultimate hope lies in the promise of eternal communion with God, inspiring us to live in a manner worthy of this divine calling.
What drives our hope?
While faith allows us to perceive God through His authority to be believed, hope enables us to see Him through the lens of His boundless power, which He extends to us in our pursuit of heaven. Through faith, we partake in His knowledge; through hope, we tap into His omnipotence.
Attaining heaven is undoubtedly challenging, but our hope isn’t founded on this difficulty. Rather, it’s based on the possibility of reaching heaven, a possibility made real by God’s all-powerful assistance. We don’t rely on our limited natural abilities, which are inadequate for achieving a supernatural goal. Instead, we depend on God’s omnipotent help.
This divine assistance, however, isn’t a passive force. It requires our active cooperation. We must utilize the grace God offers effectively. Yet, like the sacraments, grace serves as an instrumental cause in our salvation, with God Himself being the primary cause. Thus, our hope is anchored in God as our omnipotent helper. Echoing the psalmist’s words, we declare, “My God is my helper, and in Him will I put my trust” (Psalm 17:3). Our hope, therefore, is not primarily placed in any created thing, but in the uncreated, infinite power of God.
How can we lose or weaken the Theological Virtue of Hope?
Hope, a fundamental virtue, can be undermined by two primary transgressions: despair and presumption.
Despair occurs when an individual loses faith in God’s ability to provide the necessary means for their salvation. This grave offense not only disregards God’s boundless mercy and justice but also dismisses His infinite goodness and love. Such an attitude essentially renders the sacrifice at Calvary meaningless.
Presumption, on the other hand, manifests when one expects salvation without any personal effort or responsibility. This sin is committed when a person believes they will be saved regardless of their actions or lack of repentance at life’s end.
In essence, the Catholic perspective encourages a balanced approach, avoiding both the pitfalls of despair and the dangers of presumption, while maintaining faith in God’s omnipotent and loving nature.
How can we enhance the Theological Virtues of Hope?
Strive to refine and strengthen my hope daily.
Actively seek to align my actions with God’s grace.
Regularly reflect on St. Paul’s powerful words: “What can separate us from Christ’s love?”
Endeavor to develop and embody true humility and detachment from worldly possessions.
How to understand the Theological Virtue of Charity?
Virtues align us with our ultimate purpose: to know, love, and experience God in the beatific vision. Each virtue plays a unique role:
Faith: Reveals our divine purpose
Hope: Makes attaining this purpose feasible
Charity: Instills love, desire, and practical achievement of this purpose
These virtues relate to God differently:
Faith sees God as the Revealer
Hope views God as the Helper
Charity perceives God as the Ultimate Good and our Final Destination
Charity alone persists in heaven because:
Faith becomes obsolete with direct vision
Hope is unnecessary once the goal is achieved
Charity continues to unite us with our purpose
In essence:
Faith is Knowledge
Hope is Reliance
Charity is Love
What is the nature of Charity?
Nature: An emotion, not a passion
Based on intellectual understanding of God’s goodness
Resides in the will, not sensory appetite
Cannot be physically felt like passions
Motivation: Unselfish (Benevolence)
Contrasts with selfish love (Concupiscence)
Origin: Supernatural
Rooted in divine faith
Recognizes God as Trinity and Author of supernatural order
Stems from our position as adopted children and heirs to heaven
Flows from an infused virtue, influenced by grace
Reciprocity: Mutual
God loves us, we love God in return
In summary, the love in Charity is a mutual, supernatural love of benevolence – a supernatural friendship between the soul and God.
Why is the Theological Virtue of Charity the greatest of all the Virtues?
Charity stands as the pinnacle of virtues. The Bible states:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind,” declaring this the foremost commandment. It then adds, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” as the second greatest (Matthew 22:37-39).
Since charity fulfills these paramount commandments, it must be the greatest virtue.
St. Paul explicitly confirms charity’s superiority. He first demonstrates how charity surpasses the charisms—extraordinary gifts meant for others’ sanctification rather than the recipient’s. Paul asserts:
“Speaking in human or angelic tongues without charity renders one merely a noisy gong. Possessing prophecy, understanding all mysteries and knowledge, or having faith to move mountains is worthless without charity. Even distributing all possessions to the poor or sacrificing one’s body holds no value without charity.”
Paul then illustrates how charity enlivens other virtues, concluding:
“Now these three remain: faith, hope, and charity. But the greatest of these is charity.” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3, 13)
This biblical evidence unequivocally establishes charity as the supreme virtue.
Charity stands out among all virtues as it directly addresses our ultimate purpose. Without charity, the actions of other virtues are essentially lifeless and cannot lead to salvation or help us achieve our final goal.
Why charity is the Path to Sainthood and Eternal Life?
There’s a vast gulf between someone who merely avoids mortal sin and a saint who achieves heroic sanctity. The saint enjoys a profoundly deeper connection with God and possesses a purity that’s immeasurably greater in God’s eyes. Through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, their soul has been so thoroughly cleansed that they’ve completed their purgatory on Earth, allowing them to ascend directly to heaven upon death.
What should be our main goal in the growth in Charity?
Our main objective should be to increase our capacity for love (charity) each day. By doing so, we aim to bypass the need for purgatory’s purifying sufferings after death and instead transition directly to heaven. In the grand scheme of things, nothing else holds as much importance.
Charity can be seen as the beginning of eternal life while we’re still on Earth. The supernatural life God grants us on Earth is fundamentally the same as what the blessed experience in heaven, albeit with some differences:
On Earth, we know God through faith, using imperfect concepts.
In heaven, we’ll know God directly and completely.
On Earth, we can lose our charity through grave sin.
In heaven, losing this connection becomes impossible.
These differences, while significant, don’t alter the core nature of charity. That’s why charity persists in heaven, even as faith and hope fall away. It truly is, as Scripture often states, eternal life begun on Earth.
What are the impediments to the Theological Virtue of Charity?
Envy: arises from PRIDE, which is an unreasonable seeking of one’s own excellence. The offspring of envy are the ugly quintuplets:
Whispering; which consists in destroying another’s good name by talking secretly about them.
Detraction: which is open defamation and which here includes calumny.
Resentment: at another’s good fortune, joy in another’s adversity, and, worst of all, hatred.
Scripture vividly illustrates the destructive power of envy and its resulting hatred. This malevolent emotion has been at the root of numerous calamities throughout biblical history. Consider these examples:
Satan’s envy led to the temptation of Adam and Eve, ushering immeasurable suffering into the world (Wisdom 2:4).
Cain’s jealousy of his brother resulted in Abel’s murder (Genesis 4:8).
Driven by envy, Jacob’s sons sold their brother Joseph into bondage (Genesis 37:40).
The Pharisees, consumed by envy, handed Jesus over to be crucified (Matthew 27:18).
These biblical accounts demonstrate the potentially demonic nature of envy and its dire consequences.
How to increase the Theological Virtues of Charity?
The following practical ways can increase our love or charity towards God and neighbour, to aid in our eternal reward, where we can see God face-to-face.
Embracing Divine Love:
Cherish the Infinite Goodness of God above all else.
Align your life’s journey with the teachings of our Savior.
Cultivate and nurture your capacity for love each day.
Regard sin, especially mortal transgressions, with the same aversion as the concept of hell.
Remember that your life’s ultimate judgment will be based on the love you’ve shown.
Practicing Compassion and Integrity:
Strive to perform acts of kindness daily.
Be mindful of your words, actions, and inactions to avoid leading others astray.
Master your emotions, particularly feelings of envy and hatred.
Refrain from participating in any sinful activities.
Gauge your devotion to God through your treatment of fellow human beings.
The Cardinal virtues of Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude keep us in the norm or the middle since they aid in the control and application of our Intellect, Will and Passions or Desires. The Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope of and Charity have God as their ultimate end. Practicing these virtues towards God and neighbour is pir pursuits of Heavenly happiness on earth which when passing, in God’s grace we will experience the Beatific Vision, i.e. God as He really is. The greatest of all these virtues in Charity.