The True Church: What Jesus Actually Established According to Scripture?
Surprisingly, a 2015 Church of England survey revealed that 22% of adults in England don’t believe Jesus was a real person. However, historical evidence tells a different story. First-century historian Flavius Josephus and Roman chronicler Tacitus both documented Jesus’s existence, providing non-biblical confirmation of the true church’s foundation.
In fact, the Catholic Church traces its roots back to Roman times and, through Judaism, to the beginning of human history. This remarkable continuity sets it apart as an institution that has maintained its essential teachings on faith, morals, and sacraments throughout its existence, even during challenging periods.

We’ll explore what Scripture reveals about the church Jesus established, examining its defining characteristics and authority. I’ll walk you through the biblical blueprint, historical evidence, and the four marks that identify Christ’s authentic church, helping you understand how these elements remain relevant in our modern world.
What is the Biblical Blueprint for Christ’s Church?
The biblical foundation for Christ’s church rests on a profound declaration recorded in Matthew 16:18, where Jesus proclaimed,
“You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church”.
This statement marked the beginning of a divine institution that would transcend time and culture. Jesus established His church not as a physical building but as a gathering of believers. The Greek word “ekklesia,” which we translate as church, actually means “assembly” or “gathering”. Initially, Jesus taught the His disciples the nature of His church, emphasizing that it would be built on the confession of faith in Him as the Messiah. Following Christ’s ascension, the Apostles implemented His Church through a structured approach. They organized the early church under qualified leadership, with bishops assisted by presbyters and deacons. The Apostles’ authority was guided by the Holy Spirit.
What are the essential characteristics of Jesus’ Church as described in Scripture?
The early church exhibited specific characteristics that defined its authentic nature. According to the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 2, these fundamental characteristics included:
Peter addressing the crowd which lead to conversion through repentance and Baptism.
The selling of possession and sharing, attending the temples and breaking bread in homes.
The Apostles perform signs and miracles and Peter heals a lame beggar.
Peter’s leadership is witnessed through his address of the Council.
Unity in faith and doctrine through the Holy Spirit.
Additionally, the church demonstrated its authenticity through supernatural endurance despite persecution. The Apostles’ teaching became the foundation, alongside regular observance of baptism and the Lord’s Supper as visible symbols of the gospel.
The biblical blueprint reveals that Christ’s church was meant to be both universal and local. While the universal church encompasses all believers across time and space, local churches serve as smaller gatherings where Christians assemble as God’s people. Furthermore, these local congregations were designed to be self-sustaining communities focused on making disciples locally and globally.
Most significantly, the early church understood its mission wasn’t just about maintaining traditions but about actively engaging in Christ’s commission. The apostles recognized that their authority came directly from Jesus, who had received “all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18–20). Consequently, they devoted themselves to teaching, fellowship, and prayers, creating a model that would endure through centuries.
What is the Historical Evidence of the Early Church?
Physical evidence of early Christian practices remained largely hidden until recent archeological discoveries unveiled remarkable insights into the true church’s earliest days. The Megiddo Mosaic, dating to the third century, stands as one of the most significant finds, featuring an inscription dedicated “to God Jesus Christ”.
Archeological findings reveal that early Christians primarily gathered in homes and private spaces. The Dura-Europos church in Syria, dated to 233 AD, represents the earliest identified Christian house church. Moreover, the discovery of burial practices provides compelling evidence of early Christian communities:
The Catacombs of Rome contain numerous Christian graves from the second century.
An ankle bone with a nail through it, potentially from a crucifixion.
The Frankfurt silver inscription, dated between 230-260 AD, representing the earliest evidence of Christianity north of Italy, written in Latin and deciphered to invoke Saint Titus, followed by the Trisagion “Holy, Holy, Holy” and references Jesus as the Son of God.
What evidence is there from the First Century?
Primary historical documents offer substantial evidence of early Christian existence. Notably, Pliny the Younger, a lawyer, author, writer and magistrate, wrote around 112 AD, describing Christians “of every age, every rank, and both sexes” who had spread throughout cities, villages, and farms. Subsequently, the Roman historian Tacitus documented Jesus’s execution under Pilate around 116 AD.
The early Christian liturgy evolved from Jewish traditions, particularly in the years following Christ’s resurrection. The Jerusalem Council also called the “Apostolic Council” held in 49 AD marked a significant shift in this practice and designated the to extend the practice to the Gentiles (Acts of the Apostles 15).
What is the testimony of the Early Church Fathers?
The writings of early church fathers provide essential insights into the church’s structure and practices. Ignatius of Antioch, writing around 110 AD, emphasized the threefold ministry of bishops, presbyters, and deacons. His letters confirm that each church possessed this same organizational structure, stating emphatically that “without these, it cannot be called a church”.
Clement of Alexandria particularly noted that the church’s hierarchical structure reflected “imitations of the angelic glory”. The early Christian communities demonstrated remarkable unity in their worship practices. They gathered regularly for the Lord’s Supper, which primarily included both bread and an entire meal. Essentially, these early believers took home consecrated bread so those unable to attend could participate in the Lord’s Supper.
Archeological evidence indicates that early Christians maintained a low profile in Roman society. For almost two hundred years after the crucifixion, Roman cities showed minimal traces of early Christian presence. This discretion likely stemmed from the persecution they faced, as documented by numerous historical sources.
What are the Four Marks of the True Church?
From the early archeological evidence, Jesus Christ established the Church which is the true church build upon St Peter (Matthew 16: 18-19) and His Church bears four distinct marks that set it apart from all other religious institutions. These characteristics, established through divine institution, serve as identifying features of Christ’s authentic church.
One: Unity in faith and doctrine
The church’s unity manifests through its shared faith and teachings. Indeed, this oneness stems from three primary sources: the Holy Trinity as its foundation, Jesus Christ as its founder, and the Holy Spirit as its guiding force. This unity becomes visible through common beliefs, sacramental celebrations, and hierarchical structure. Primarily, the church maintains doctrinal clarity, ensuring all members understand and profess the same Christian faith.
Holy: Set apart for God’s purpose
The church’s holiness exists as both a present reality and an ongoing mission. This sanctity flows directly from Christ, who loved the church as His bride and endowed it with the Holy Spirit. The pursuit of holiness marks true believers, who strive for moral purity while acknowledging their dependence on divine grace. Specifically, this holiness manifests through:
The church’s divine institution.
Christ’s sanctifying presence.
The Holy Spirit’s continuous work.
The faithful’s pursuit of godliness.
3. Catholic: Universal in scope and mission
The term “catholic” denotes universality, encompassing both presence and purpose. The church’s catholic nature operates in two dimensions: Christ’s presence within it and its mission to all peoples. Altogether, this universality fulfills Jesus’s command to “make disciples of all nations,” ensuring the church’s message reaches across cultural and geographical boundaries.
The word Catholic amongst Christians received a special or technical sense, and was applied to the true Church, spread throughout the world, in order to distinguish it from heretical sects. The very earliest Christian writers, Ignatius of Antioch, writing in the early part if the 2nd Century says,
“Where Christ is, there is the Catholic Church; where the bishop is, there must the people be also.”
Thus “Catholic” became the recognised name of the Church.
As “heresy,” Clement of Alexandria tells us, denotes separation (since heresy signifies individual choice), so the words “Catholic Church” imply unity subsisting among many members.
St. Augustine, in his epistle against the Donatists, tells them that the question at issue is
“Where is the Church?” He appeals to the traditional name “Catholic Church,” which is given to one body and to one body only; he proves that the name has been given rightly, as is shown by the very fact that the Catholic Church, unlike the Donatist sect, is diffused throughout the world; and he concludes that as the Church is one, as this one Church is the Catholic Church, as the Catholic Church is the body of Christ, therefore that he who is without its pale cannot “obtain Christian salvation.”
(William E. Addis and Thomas Arnold, A Catholic Dictionary (New York: The Catholic Publication Society Co., 1887), 131.)
Apostolic: Direct succession from the apostles
The apostolic character of the church rests on three foundational pillars:
First, Christ established it directly through the apostles.
Second, it preserves and teaches the apostolic faith.
Third, it maintains unbroken succession through its bishops.
The apostolic succession provides a crucial link to the original church, with bishops serving as successors to the apostles. Through this succession, the church maintains its teaching authority and sacramental power, ensuring the faithful transmission of Christ’s teachings through generations.
These four marks undeniably distinguish the true church from other religious bodies. They work together, forming an inseparable unity that reflects the church’s divine origin and mission. Through these characteristics, the church continues its mission of sanctifying believers and spreading the gospel message throughout the world.
Where does the Authority and Teaching Office of Jesus’ true Church come from?
The foundation of Christ’s church rests upon a remarkable transfer of divine authority. As recorded in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus declared,
“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” (Matthew 28:18–20).
Did Jesus Delegate Authority?
Jesus entrusted His apostles with specific powers to build and govern the church. These chosen representatives received authority to speak directly for Christ to the believing community. Their commission extended beyond mere preaching, encompassing the right to command Christians in matters of faith and morality. This delegation of power primarily focused on preserving and transmitting Christ’s teachings accurately through generations.
What is the Role of Peter and the Apostles?
Peter emerged as the prominent figure among the apostles immediately after Christ’s resurrection. For approximately fifteen years following the Resurrection, he dominated the early Christian community. His leadership manifested through crucial actions:
Presiding over Matthias’s appointment as an apostle (Acts of the Apostles 1:15-26).
Delivering the first Pentecost sermon (Acts of the Apostles 2:14-36).
Serving as the apostles’ advocate before Jewish courts (Acts of the Apostles 4:1-22).
Exercising disciplinary authority within the church (Acts of the Apostles 5:1-11).
Peter operated as the head whose word spoken out of supreme authority, yet there was a collaborative framework in existence. The apostles functioned as a unified body, with Peter as their leader and spokesman. This arrangement reflected Christ’s intention for His church’s governance, ensuring both strong leadership and collective wisdom.
Where did the succession of teaching authority flow from?
Succession of teaching authority emerged from Christ’s commission to the apostles. The Apostles understood their responsibility to preserve and transmit authentic Christian teaching through successive generations. This succession manifested through:
The careful selection and training of successors.
The transmission of apostolic teaching.
The preservation of doctrinal integrity.
Primarily, the apostles ensured this continuity by entrusting their teaching to faithful individuals capable of instructing others. This practice established a pattern of succession that would safeguard the church’s doctrinal integrity through centuries.
The teaching office’s authority stems directly from Christ’s mandate to make disciples of all nations. Through this office, the church maintains its role as “the pillar and foundation of truth.” Fundamentally, this authority focuses on preserving, explaining and defining dogmas and doctrines as revealed by Scripture and as taught by Jesus Christ.
The early church recognized that authentic teaching authority required both proper succession and faithful adherence to apostolic doctrine. This dual requirement ensured that the church’s teaching office would remain true to Christ’s original commission while addressing new challenges in each generation.
Did Scripture foretell Christ’s Chuch?
Ancient prophets, moved by the Holy Spirit, foretold the establishment of Christ’s church with remarkable precision. Their prophecies, recorded centuries before Jesus’s birth, paint a vivid picture of God’s plan for His people.
I) Old Testament predictions about the Church
Isaiah, writing seven centuries before Christ, proclaimed a profound vision of the church’s future. He foresaw that “the mountain of Jehovah’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains” and that “all nations shall flow unto it” (Isaiah. 2:2-4). This prophecy primarily spoke of the church’s universal nature and its spiritual authority.
The cornerstone prophecy regarding the church’s establishment appears in the Abrahamic Covenant, first recorded in Genesis 12:1-3. Through Abraham’s descendants, God promised that “all the families of the earth shall be blessed”. This blessing ultimately manifested through Christ’s church.
II) Jesus’s promises realized
The first explicit mention of the church in prophecy comes from Jesus Himself:
“Upon this rock I will build My Church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it” (Matthew 16:18).
This declaration marked a pivotal moment, as Christ guaranteed His church’s endurance against all opposition.
On the Day of Pentecost, Peter’s sermon fulfilled multiple prophecies simultaneously. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit realized Joel’s ancient prediction about God pouring out His Spirit “on all flesh”. Hence, the church began with Jewish believers responding to a Jewish message about their Jewish Messiah, yet soon expanded to include Gentiles, fulfilling Isaiah’s vision of all nations flowing to God’s house.
Key prophetic fulfillments include:
The inclusion of Gentiles, predicted in Deuteronomy 32:43.
The universal praise of God, foretold in Psalm 117:1.
The Messiah becoming “a light to the nations,” prophesied in Isaiah 42:6.
III) Continuing fulfillment through history
Presently, the church continues to fulfill ancient prophecies through its worldwide expansion. The Apostle Paul identified five prophetic passages in Romans 15 that justified preaching to Gentiles. Similarly, Peter’s vision in Acts of the Apostles 10 opened the church to all nations, fulfilling numerous Old Testament predictions about Gentile inclusion.
The church’s supernatural endurance through persecution demonstrates Jesus’s promise of its indestructibility. Throughout history, Satan has attempted to destroy the church through persecution and internal corruption, yet Christ has sustained His church, proving His prophetic word true.
The ongoing fulfillment of biblical prophecies regarding the church serves as a powerful testament to its divine origin. These prophecies continue to unfold as the church maintains its mission of bringing salvation to all peoples, ultimately realizing God’s promise to Abraham that through his seed, all nations would be blessed.
How is Truth Preserved Through the Ages?
Through centuries, the preservation of divine truth has remained central to Christ’s church’s mission. The challenge lies in understanding how unchangeable truths develop without fundamentally changing their essence.
I) Development of doctrine vs innovation
Doctrine development differs fundamentally from doctrinal innovation or change. First of all, authentic development preserves the original truth while deepening understanding, unlike innovation which alters essential meanings. The Catholic view, as formulated by John Henry Newman, identifies four distinct approaches to doctrinal development:
Objective development: expressing pre-scientific concepts in clearer, more specific formulas.
Subjective development: making implicit truths explicit.
Hermeneutical development: receiving truth according to cultural understanding.
Reflexive development: growing in collective knowledge as Christ’s body.
II) Protecting Truth from Error
The church’s protection from error stems primarily from divine guidance rather than human wisdom. Evidently, this protection manifests through infallibility – the Holy Spirit’s guarantee that the church will never teach error in matters of faith and morals. This safeguard operates under specific conditions, requiring the Pope to:
Intend to teach.
Exercise supreme authority.
Address faith and morals.
Speak to the whole Church.
Above all, this protection ensures that while presentation methods may vary, essential truths remain unchanged. The church’s teaching authority serves as a bulwark against attempts to transform doctrine into its opposite.
III) Consistency through centuries
The historical continuity of church doctrine provides compelling evidence for its divine institution. Ultimately, this consistency manifests through:
Preservation of essential meanings while deepening understanding.
Development in response to new challenges without changing fundamental truths.
Protection of deposit of faith from actual deformations.
Certainly, the church’s approach to truth differs from both rigid traditionalism and unbounded progressivism. The development of doctrine acknowledges that while our understanding grows, truth itself remains constant. This principle explains how the church maintains unity of faith while addressing contemporary challenges.
The preservation of truth requires standing firmly with the See of Peter, as individual believers cannot adequately distinguish true development from corruption. Therefore, the church’s teaching office, guided by the Holy Spirit, continues to lead believers into deeper understanding while maintaining unbroken continuity with apostolic faith.
Are there Signs of Divine Institution?
Throughout history, Christ’s church has demonstrated remarkable signs of its divine origin through three distinct manifestations:
supernatural endurance,
miraculous elements, and
universal impact across cultures.
1) Supernatural endurance through persecution
The church’s endurance through persecution stands as a powerful testament to its divine institution. Primarily, this became evident in 64 AD when Emperor Nero launched the first official persecution, blaming Christians for Rome’s great fire. Christians faced cruel tortures, being thrown to wild animals and used as human torches for Nero’s garden parties.
Fundamentally, this persecution, rather than destroying the church, led to its expansion. The early Christians viewed persecution as an opportunity for testimony. Their response to imprisonment and death demonstrated profound dependence on supernatural power, with many offering powerful testimonies even at the edge of flames or sword.
The early Church Father Tertullian writing in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries coined the term:
“The Blood of the Martyrs is the Seed of the Church.”
Purposeful Persecution continued under a number of Roman Emperors through the first Four Centuries until Christianity became legal under Constantine from 311 A.D. Christian persecution has continued through the centuries and even today.
2) Miraculous elements through history
Historical records document numerous supernatural manifestations throughout church history. Markedly, the rapid expansion of Christianity in its first three centuries was attributed primarily to miraculous occurrences. Eusebius of Caesarea (260-341) observed that early Christians evangelized with “wonderful miracles… through the Holy Spirit”.
These supernatural elements included:
Physical healings and exorcisms that convinced unbelievers.
Prophetic gifts continuing beyond the apostolic age.
Documented cases of resurrection, with St. Vincent Ferrer alone recording more than thirty raised from the dead.
Remarkably, even skeptics like Augustine acknowledged the role of miracles in conversion, stating, “I should not be a Christian, but for the miracles”.
Church historians concluded that Christianity’s rapid growth wasn’t due to strategic literature distribution or missionary friendliness, but primarily through the persuasive influence of miracles.
3) Universal impact across cultures
The church’s universal impact manifests through its remarkable ability to transcend cultural boundaries while maintaining its core identity. Naturally, Christianity has played a prominent role in developing Western civilization, particularly through Catholic.. Yet its impact extends far beyond Western borders.
Christians have consistently made significant contributions across diverse fields:
Science and technology.
Medicine and healthcare.
Fine arts and architecture.
Philosophy and ethics.
Literature and music.
The church’s ability to find expression in new cultural settings while preserving its essential message demonstrates its supernatural character.
A striking example of this universal impact appears in modern statistics. Between 1901 and 2000, 65.4% of Nobel Prize Laureates identified Christianity as their religious preference. Furthermore, in regions where Christianity faces opposition, such as India, government estimates indicate approximately 250,000 Indians become followers of Jesus annually.
The church’s supernatural endurance through persecution, documented miracles, and universal cultural impact collectively point to its divine institution. These signs continue to manifest today, as the church maintains its mission while adapting to contemporary challenges.
Does Christ Church hold Relevance today?
In today’s rapidly evolving society, the church faces unprecedented challenges while maintaining its timeless mission. Recent studies indicate a significant decline in religious service attendance, highlighting the need for meaningful connection in our fast-paced world.
What are the Contemporary challenges to authority?
The church confronts a profound crisis of authority in the modern era. Many Catholics now appear to choose which ecclesial authorities to follow, effectively stepping outside the realm of true authority. This selective approach to church teaching reflects a broader societal trend of declining trust in institutions.
The challenge extends beyond mere disobedience. Primarily, it stems from a misunderstanding of authority’s nature within the church. The crisis began not when people stopped obeying, but when they perceived the church as divided between those who command and those who obey.
How does the Church address current moral issues?
The church’s approach to contemporary moral challenges requires balancing tradition with relevance. First, churches must navigate the delicate equilibrium between honoring tradition and staying responsive to community needs. This balance becomes particularly crucial as congregations address:
Social justice concerns.
Environmental stewardship.
Technological advancement.
Bioethical questions.
Economic inequality.
In essence, the church serves as a moral compass, offering guidance while respecting individual conscience. The Catholic Church, naturally, maintains that Scripture and Tradition form one source of revelation. This unified approach enables the church to address modern challenges while preserving its essential teachings.
How does the Catholic Church preserve unity in a divided world?
The reality of division presents one of the most pressing challenges for Christ’s church today. Political polarization, witnessed through the divide between various ideological groups, creates tension even among Christians. Fundamentally, this division contradicts Jesus’s prayer for unity among His followers.
The church’s response to division must be rooted in biblical truth and the basic fundamentals that are rooted in Scripture and Tradition. Unfortunately, difference on many issues, including faith and morals appear within and amongst the leadership of the Catholic Church. In decades and centuries past, these differences were sorted via councils and decisions made to direct and re-direct the faithful to fundamental truths.
Today, this is ever challenging, especially with the Advent of social media and the individual conscious, where individualism and subjective opinion is considered more important (or even the norm) than objective truth. This is a real challenge for the Catholic Church. How does the Catholic Church address a plethora of subjective ‘truths’ when one of its mark of the True Church of Jesus Christ is One in Faith, Morals and Belief?
It is insistent on the Church’s teaching authority and leadership to guide and purify what has preserved the Catholic Church from Jesus, to the Apostles and throughout the ages.
It may come down to the local Church through the formation of educational institutions, parishes, proper Catechism, education, sacramental formation and teaching to form a unity of faith and morals and bridge the difference between subjective reality and the objective truth of the Church of Jesus Christ. Jesus never taught various truths of differing opinions but a ONE TRUTH for all to either accept or reject. Yes this sounds harsh but it is essential to the salvation of souls.
What can we conclude?
Scripture, history, and continuous divine guidance clearly show that Jesus established a one true church meant to endure through all ages. Though modern challenges test its resilience, the Catholic Church, as established by Jesus upon St Peter, stands firm through its four distinguishing marks – unity, holiness, catholicity, and apostolic succession.
The evidence speaks convincingly. First-century historical records confirm the church’s early existence. Archeological discoveries validate its practices. Most significantly, fulfilled prophecies demonstrate God’s hand in establishing and preserving His church through centuries.
Today’s church faces unique challenges, yet remains equipped to address contemporary moral issues while maintaining its essential teachings.
The supernatural endurance of Christ’s church through persecution, along with its universal impact across cultures, testifies to its divine origin. Though methods of presenting truth may develop, the core message remains unchanged – just as Jesus intended when He declared, “Upon this rock I will build My Church.”