The Life of Mary the Mother of Jesus – Throughout the Ministry of Jesus till His Ascension
What was lifelike for the Holy Family?
Not only was the life of Mary hidden in the Scriptures, the life of Jesus from His twelfth birthday till the commencement of His ministry at the age of thirty years was also unknown. The third Volume on the Mystical City of God – The Transfixion, gives tremendous insight into Our Lord and Our Lady’s life during this period.
St John the Evangelist writes “But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (St John 25: 25). This applies to His hidden life and to the life of Mary. Volume Three, The Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Agreda, reveals the life of the Holy Family commencing with Mary and Joseph searching for the Child Jesus till the Ascension. Some tremendous insight is revealed.
How did the Holy family live when Jesus was still a Child?
The Most Holy Virgin Mary had attained the highest perfections in purity of heart, faith, hope, filial and holy fear, knowledge and wisdom, remembrance and gratitude for the greatest benefits, and all the other sources of a most exalted love were hers in boundless affluence and proportion. (Mariso, Fiscar (1902), The Mystical City of God: The Transfixion by Venerable Mary of Agreda; Volume III, page 15).
How often did the Holy Family journey to Jerusalem?
It was a requirement by Jewish Law that observers of the Law travel three times to Jerusalem in recognition of the three Feast days. Jewish law required the Israelites to visit the Temple of three main feast days – Feast of Tabernacles; Feast of Weeks (or Pentecost); and the Unleavened Breads (or Pasch).
In obedience to these Laws the Holy Family, and at times Joseph as head of the Family, would travel each year to Jerusalem on these three occasions. It was agreed that Joseph would travel alone (as head of the family) on two of these three feasts. It was the feast of the Unleavened Breads or Pasch that the Holy Family would travel together.
How did the Child Jesus come to be lost?
Fulfilling their commitment to travel to Jerusalem as a family on the Feast of the Unleavened Bread or Pasch, they undertook their journey. The Child Jesus was in His twelfth year. As is required, the Holy Family had observed the seven-day feast day and it was time to return home to Nazareth. As was customary on their journey, the Israelites would travel in large groups and the children accompanied either the father or the mother. It was to Joseph’s understanding that the Child Jesus was with Mary, which was generally the case. However, the Divine will diverted the thoughts of Mary’s and it was not till later that she assumed that the Child Jesus was with Joseph.
Having journeyed a day, the families would reunite with each other, but it was then their realisation that the Child Jesus was not amongst them. Filled with humility, they were overwhelmed with self-reproach at their remissness in watching over their most Holy Son and blamed themselves. Mary and Joseph commenced their search and at first looked for the Child Jesus amongst the families and friends they travelled with. This was to no avail. It was a sorrowful Mother that persevered in her suffering through tears and groans without cessation and without rest, sleep, or food. Mary had thought of seeking the Child Jesus in the desert, thinking He was joining John the Baptist. Another thought was He had taken leave to the Cave – the place of the Nativity, however the Angels dissuaded her from these initial thoughts of searching. In her humility, Mary never thought of asking as to Jesus’ whereabouts and the Lord had this hidden from her, as was His will.
During these three days, the Almighty had left the Holy Virgin to her natural resources and grace, deprived of the special privileges and favours. God had suspended all consolations and blessings.
Having returned to Jerusalem, they then searched in the Temple and to their sorrowful heart, which had turned to joy, Mary and Joseph found the Child Jesus conversing with the learned of the Temple. Seeing her son, Mary was filled with joy, after finishing His argument before the whole assembly, the Sorrowful Mother approached Her son and spoke to Him, as recorded in the Gospel of St Luke 4: 48:
“Son, why hast thou done so to us? Behold thy father and I have sought Thee sorrowing”
Jesus replied: “Why is it that you sought Me? Did you not known that I must be about my Father’s business?” This was a mystery that Mary did not understand once the veil was lifted by the Almighty. This happened on their journey back to Nazareth, the Holy Mother, knelt before her Son and sought His benediction, The veil was removed, and all was revealed to Her as to the happenings of the past three days.
What was the Holy family life like following the Finding in the Temple?
During the years following the finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple, the Holy Virgin Mary was given instructions on the Scriptures, the faith, the Ten Commandments, the Seven Sacraments that would be instituted by Her Son, Jesus Christ, the prayers, and petitions of Jesus in which She enjoined.
Joseph, who went about his trade as a carpenter, had grown weary and ill. The Holy Virgin Mary, who was aware of her spouses’ ailments, beseeched her Holy spouse Joseph to rest from his labours as a carpenter. In his humility and love for his spouse, Joseph rested and was to be served by the Holy Mother for the rest of his living days. Jesus was in His eighteenth year and Mary was thirty-three years of age.

Mary nursed and attended to her ailing husband. She took to labouring where she purchased a field and cultivated to it to bring forth fruits, never neglecting to attend to the poor. She began to spin and weave wool and linen. This was done in support of her family, whilst their needs and wants were minimal, Mary would generously reach out to those in need around her, never possessing more than she needed. The eating habits were of moderation and like His mother, Jesus did not eat meat. Their daily nourishment included fish, fruits, and herbs. For Joseph, Mary would prepare and procure meals that contained meat.
What happened to Joseph?
Eight years had elapsed in which Joseph had fallen into his infirmities and sufferings. Mary increased Her care towards Joseph. Joseph reached the age of sixty years and a few days at the day of his passing into the Limbo of the Just. Mary and Joseph had been married for twenty-seven years. Mary was forty-one at the time of Joseph’s death.
Joseph died surrounded by Mary, his spouse and Jesus. A Holy death indeed! This is why we should invoke St Joseph in that we be granted a Holy death.

Mary remained in Her perfect state, never aging nor declining. She felt natural sorrow as she loved him as a spouse, as a man preeminent in perfection and holiness, as her protector and benefactor.
Following the death of Joseph, Mary lived a most perfect contemplative and active life, adjoining the two loves most perfectly. Mary would practice prostration and genuflections more frequently and stood in adoration of Her beloved Son.
Jesus continued to grow in wisdom and to Mary was revealed the Redemption and the many souls who would reject Him. Jesus was twenty-six years of age and the time of communicating His ministry was fast approaching.
When did Jesus’ Ministry commence?
Whilst Jesus had a deep desire and love to fulfill the Will of the Father in redeeming and accomplishing the salvation of humanity, He would have to wait three more years. Jesus was twenty-seven. It would come abouts in His preparation that He absented himself from the house for three days at a time and communicated with mortals. Jesus regularly fasted and prayed. Mary would feel the sorrows of the sword during the days of His absence.
As the Mother of all, co-redemptrix and mediatrix, where she is acknowledged by the Father’s and Doctors of the Catholic Church, Mary also desired in Her heart and love for all. She laboured for each soul as if it were for Herself.
The time had arrived for Jesus to commence His mission. The Eternal Word sent forth the message to John the Baptist that it was time for John to go forth and prepare for the coming of the Messiah. John the Baptist begins to preach of the coming Messiah, as we read in the Gospel of the Evangelist. Jesus makes His appearance at the Jordan river to be Baptised. Following this He is lead by the Spirit into the desert where he fasts, prays, encounters suffering and temptation by the Devil. All in preparation for His passion. Meanwhile, Mary, who lived in solitude, following her Son’s departure was made aware of the going-on and experiences everything that Her son experiences.
Following His time in the desert, Jesus had commenced choosing His Apostles and upon returning to Nazareth, He returned with five of the chosen Apostles. Mary welcomes them and requests that she receive the Sacrament of Baptism, to which Jesus obliges. Like the Baptism of Jesus at the Jordan where the voice of the Lord was heard, the following was heard in regard to Mary:
The Almighty spoke:
“This is my beloved Daughter, in whom I take delight”.
The Incarnate word said:
“This is my Mother, much beloved, whom I have chosen and will assist Me in all my works.”
The Holy Spirit (her spouse) added:
“This is my Spouse, chosen among thousands.”
What happened at the Wedding at Cana?
A Wedding was to take place at Cana from the side of Mary’s mother Anne. Mary and Jesus were invited to attend. Mary, Jesus and the Apostles were in attendance. As described by the Evangelist the following exchange took place at the Cana Wedding when the host had ran-out of wine:
“… the Kind Lady said to her son; “They have no wine”.

And the Lord answered: “Woman, what is that to Me and to thee? My hour is not yet come.” Jesus’ response was not one of reproach but a mystery. Our Lady had been moved by the Divine Light to make such a request. Jesus was saying that the power to perform miracles comes from above and not from Thee. The time to perform miracles was to be determined by the Almighty Father and not His Mother. Mary understood this mystery and said with quiet modesty, “Whatsoever He shall say to you, do ye”, for she received this prompting from the Eternal Word. The event happened just as the Evangelist wrote.
Did Mary join Jesus in His journey?
After this revealing miracle of the Divinity of Jesus, Mary joined in journeying with her Son and all His followers both the Apostles and Disciples. Mary attended to the many women who followed Him and endured many hardships along the way.
The time for His passion had arrived and for Jesus to enter His suffering. It was at this point that Jesus departed form His Mother, however on the eve of His Passion, Jesus called for His Mother at the earliest dawn and said:
“My Mother, the hour decreed by the eternal wisdom of my Father for accomplishing the salvation and restoration of the human race and imposed upon Me by his most holy and acceptable will, has now arrived; it is proper that now We subject to Him our own will, as We have so often offered to do.
Give Me thy permission to enter upon my suffering and death, and, as my true Mother, consent that I deliver Myself over to my enemies in obedience to my Father. In this manner do Thou also willingly co-operate with Me in this work of eternal salvation, since I have received from Thee in thy virginal womb the form of a suffering and mortal man in which I am to redeem the world and satisfy the divine justice. Just as thou, of thy own free will, didst consent to my Incarnation, so I now desire thee to give consent also to my passion and death of the Cross.
To sacrifice Me now of thy own free will to the decree of my eternal Father, this shall be the return which I ask of thee for having made thee my Mother; for He has sent Me in order that by the sufferings of my flesh I might recover the lost sheep of his house, the children of Adam” (Mariso, Fiscar (1902), The Mystical City of God: The Transfixion by Venerable Mary of Agreda; Volume III, page 419).
With humility and sorrow, Mary unites her will with His will.
What happened throughout the Passion of Jesus?
The eve of the passion, being Thursday and the Feast of the Pasch, Jesus had requested He dine for the final time with His Apostles. It was during this Passover meal that Jesus washed the feet of the Apostles, instituted the Sacraments of Holy Orders and the Eucharist. From afar, the Almighty had enlightened Mary on this and all the events that would follow including:
- Jesus in the Garden at Gethsemane.
- His betrayal by Judas.
- The arrest of Jesus.
- The questioning by Caiaphas, Herod and Pontius Pilate.
- The Scourging.
- The Crowning.
The Passion of Our Lord begins and can be reflected on in the Gospels, it won’t be repeated from the Mystical City of God: Volume Four – The Transfixion.
The Apostles had scattered in fear for their life, however John the Evangelist (the one whom Jesus loved), watched the happenings from afar, joined Mary as they journeyed to meet Jesus, along with the three Mary’s and some pious women. Some of the women who met Mary on the way said:
“O sorrowful Mother! What a misfortune has overtaken Thee! How must they heart be wounded and lacerated with grief?” However, there were those who made impious remarks.
At what point did Lucifer realise this was the Woman mentioned in Genesis 3:15?
Lucifer, who was aware of the Woman that would bring forth the Saviour – the Man-God from the start, was kept in the dark, however he had his suspicions, but never certain. This realisation would come to bear. It was not until Our Lord uttered the words “Woman behold Thy son” that Lucifer and the Demons (fallen angels) discovered this Woman to be the True Mother of the God-Man. This revelation sent Lucifer and the Demons into a state of fury and rage.
After Jesus had his side pierced with a lance and taken down from the Cross and laid in the Tomb, Mary and John returned and searched for the Apostles to reunite with them. Upon entering, Peter who had denied Jesus three times, fell at the feet of the Mother of the Redeemer, and with great sorrow said:
“I have sinned, Lady, I have sinned before God, and have offended my Master and Thee!”
He could not speak another word as he sobbed and cried which came from the depths of his oppressed heart. Mary with a most compassionate heart, fell on her knees saying:
“Let us ask pardon for thy guilt from my Son and thy Master.”
Mary prayed for him and revived his hope by reminding him of the merciful behaviour of the Lord.
What happened to the Soul of Jesus following His placement in the Sepulchre?
The soul of the Divine Christ remained in limbo from half past three of Friday afternoon until after three of the Sunday morning, then He returned to the Sepulchre. In the sepulchre were many angels as its guard, venerating the sacred body united to the Divinity. Some of them, obeying the command of their Queen and Mistress, had gathered the relics of the sacred blood shed by her Divine Son, the particles of flesh scattered about, the hair torn from his divine face and head, and all else that belonged to the perfection and integrity of his most sacred humanity. Jesus had appeared to the souls that awaited their entry into Heaven in the Limbo of the Just. Jesus showed them His disfigured body that He had paid the price for their sins, the sins of Adam and Eve and for all generations. There did our first parents Adam and Eve see the havoc wrought by their disobedience, the priceless remedy it necessitated, the immense goodness and mercy of the Redeemer. As they felt the effects of his copious Redemption in the glory of their souls, they praised anew the Omnipotent and Saints of saints, who had with such marvelous wisdom wrought such a salvation.
How did the Resurrection of Jesus take place?
In the presence of all those saints, through the ministry of those angels, were united to the sacred body all the relics, which they had gathered, restoring it to its natural perfection and integrity. In the same moment the most holy soul reunited with the body, giving it immortal life and glory.
The Glorified Body of Jesus possessed the following qualities:
- Impassibility – his body became invincible to all created power, since no power can ever move or change Him.
- Subtility- His body could now penetrate other matter like a pure spirit.
Accordingly, Jesus penetrated through the rocks of the sepulchre without removing or displacing them, as He had issued forth from the womb of his most blessed Mother. In all this glory and heavenly adornment, the saviour now arose from the grave.
Did Jesus appear to His Mother Mary following His Resurrection?
Of all these mysteries the great Queen of heaven was aware and participated in them from her retreat in the Cenacle. In this new joy and under the divine influences of her supernatural vision the Mother of Jesus prepared for the visit of the Lord.

Jesus Christ our Saviour, arisen and glorious, in the company of all Saints and Patriarchs, made his appearance to His Most Beloved and Treasured Mother. The ever-humble Mary and Queen, prostrated Herself upon the ground and adored her divine Son; and the Lord raised Her and drew Her to Himself. This was a most intimate moment of love and joy. To be reunited with her Son, in all His Glory, brought great joy to the Queen.
What happened at the Ascension?
After Jesus had spent forty days from the time of His Resurrection, the time had arrived for the Son of God and Second Person of the Holy Trinity to return to His Father in Heaven. Knowing this, the Holy Trinity spoke to the Beloved Daughter, Mother and Spouse with the following instructions:
“My Daughter, to Thee do I entrust the Church founded by my Only begotten, the new law of grace He established in the world, and the people, which He redeemed: to Thee do I consign them all.”
Thereupon also the Holy Ghost spoke to Her:
“My Spouse, chosen from all creatures, I communicate to Thee my wisdom and grace together with which shall be deposited in thy heart the mysteries, the works and teachings and all that the incarnate Word has accomplished in the world.”
And the Son also said:
“My most beloved Mother, I go to my Father and in my stead I shall leave Thee and I charge Thee with the care of my Church; to Thee do I commend its children and my brethren, as the Father has consigned them to Me.”
Then the three Divine Persons, addressing the choir of holy angels and the other saints, said:
“This is the Queen of all created things in heaven and earth; She is the Protectress of the Church, the Mistress of creatures, the Mother of piety, the Intercessor of the faithful, the Advocate of sinners, the Mother of beautiful love and holy hope (Eccli. 24, 24); She is mighty in drawing our will to mercy and clemency. In Her shall be deposited the treasures of our grace and her most faithful heart the tablet whereon shall be written and engraved our holy law.
In her are contained the mysteries of our Omnipotence for the salvation of mankind. She is the perfect work of our hands, through whom the plenitude of our desires shall be communicated and satisfied without hindrance in the currents of our divine perfections.
Whoever shall call upon Her from his heart shall not perish; whoever shall obtain her intercession shall secure for himself eternal life. What She asks of Us, shall be granted, and We shall always hear her requests and prayers and fulfill her will; for She has consecrated Herself perfectly to what pleases Us.”
On the same day, Jesus gathered His Mother, the eleven Apostles, the seventy-two disciples, Mary Magdalen, Lazarus their brother, the other Marys and the faithful men and women making up the number of one hundred and twenty. As He did with the Apostles, Jesus gave some final instructions.
Then Jesus led them to Mount Olivet where He was taken into Heaven, His countenance beaming forth peace and majesty, joined his hands and, by his own power, began to raise himself from the earth.
Looking with awe and wonder, and with some sadness an Angel was sent to disperse them and said (as is written in the Acts of the Apostles):
“Ye men of Galilee, do not look up to heaven in so great astonishment, for this Lord Jesus, who departed from you and has ascended into heaven, shall again return with the same glory and majesty in which you have just seen him” (Acts 1, 11).
This concludes the insight into the life of Mary and Jesus during those years that are not written in the Holy Scriptures. In the final volume, revelation is made to Venerable Mary of Agreda into the life of Mary following the Ascension and climaxing with the Holy Mother’s Glorious Assumption and Queenship.
God be with you.